NGWA Workshop — Groundwater Quality and Unconventional Gas Development: Is There a Connection?: Alphabetical Content Listing
Afternoon Session
Adventures in Groundwater Monitoring: Approaches for Shale Gas Development Sites
Daniel Soeder, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Geophysical Logging of Fresh- and Saline-Water-Producing Zones in Fractured Bedrock of the Northern Appalachian Basin
John H. Williams
The geophysical logging delineated water-producing zones in the penetrated interbedded sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone at fractures subparallel to bedding and at steeply dipping fractures related to jointing. In the upland boreholes, the most transmissive fractured zones were penetrated between 50 to 300 feet below land surface. These zones produced freshwater and generally had hydraulic heads significantly higher than zones at intermediate depths. Minimal fracture transmissivity was penetrated in these boreholes below a depth of about 700 feet, and the few deep fractures produced small inflows of saline water. In the valley boreholes, fractured zones that produced saline water were penetrated at 175 and 250 feet below land surface. The saline-water-producing zone at the river valley site was very transmissive and extended for at least 300 feet across the wellfield.
Groundwater Monitoring for Shale Gas: Adaptation of Concepts from DNAPL Site Investigations
Beth L. Parker, Ph.D.
The main challenges for shale gas development are fractured sedimentary rock monitoring spanning a much larger depth range than that of conventional practice. The concerns about shale gas pertain to varied contaminant types from both shallow and deep sources. Shallow sources including fracking chemicals, fuels and flowback fluids and contaminants such as natural gas and salinity originating at depth below the fresh groundwater zone, most likely from the intermediate zone and less so from the deep zone where the fracking occurs. But the further challenge draws from multiple objectives for assessing performance, sentry and receptor monitoring, each with their own design and baseline data needs. There is much experience from contaminated site investigations to guide the shallow monitoring but not the deeper monitoring into the Intermediate zone. Rather than conventional monitoring wells where one well is installed in each drill hole, shale gas monitoring can derive effectiveness from use of depth- discrete, multilevel systems (MLS's) in single holes for which there are many versions to select from depending on the depth and nature of the hydrogeology (e.g FLUTe, Westbay-Schlumberger and Solinst- Waterloo and CMT systems). Experience at DNAPL sites shows that effective monitoring first requires subsurface characterization to guide vertical placement of ports and seals and aid interpretation. Experience at DNAPL sites in sedimentary rock covers the depth range down to 400 m and is further supported with experience from deep sedimentary rock investigations for radioactive waste repositories and CO2 injection sites.
How Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts Our Water: The Pennsylvania Experience
Susan Brantley
Afternoon Session (cont.)
A retrospective case study of perceived water well interference by coal bed methane fracking
Cathryn Ryan, Ph.D.
The circumstances around the perceived water well interference were evaluated by reviewing relatedenvironmental consulting reports, water well records, baseline water well testing and energy well activities in the region, and through discussions with various individuals directly involved. The timeline of events suggest the water well could have been affected by the stimulation. The energy well perforations were unusually shallow when compared to other energy wells in the region, and similar in elevation to the domestic use aquifer.
Although the evidence suggests that the energy well stimulation may have been related to the perceiveddomestic water well interference, subsequent stimulation in energy wells located even closer to the rural residence (but perforated at greater depth) did not cause observed interference in a replaced domestic water well on the same property.
Appropriate evaluation of water well complaints is clearly challenging. Dedicated monitoring systems are seldom used to evaluate hydraulic fracturing impacts in shallow groundwater. The industry reportedly deals with a large fraction of apparently invalid water well complaints. In part in an effort to minimize invalid water well complaints, they i) do not disclose details about confirmed water well complaints that are appropriately addressed and ii) do not provide any notification of energy activities in a given region. The latter can prevent the timely collection of appropriate information, with subsequent the difficulties in conducting a ‘post-mortem’ analysis and perceived water impacts whose cause(s) are difficult to assess.
Groundwater Ages and Mixing in Western Energy Basins: Implications for Monitoring
Peter B. McMahon, Ph.D.
Smart-Monitoring to Address Risks of UCOG Development
Jon Fennell, M.Sc., Ph.D., P.Geo.
Keynote: Evolution of Groundwater Monitoring - Implications for Shale Gas
John A. Cherry, Ph.D.
Morning Session
Effective Bradenhead Pressure and Mitigation Protocols for Reducing Stray Gas Risk in Groundwater
Anthony Gorody, Ph. D., P. G.
An effective bradenhead pressure monitoring program includes the following: (a) defining a minimum 9 square mile area ahead of drilling; (b) compiling and mapping depths of surface casing and underlying uncemented annuli intervals; (c) monitoring bradenhead pressures in wells throughout the area; (d) identifying wells where bradenhead pressure builds up to significant pressures within a 24-hour period following venting; (e) collecting paired bradenhead and production gas samples in all wells found to have both initially elevated bradenhead pressures and significant recurring bradenhead pressures; (f) analyzing paired gas samples for gas composition and stable isotopes; (g) planning and implementing a cement squeeze or well abandonment program to shut off the source of bradenhead gas in wells; (h) planning and implementing a drilling and mud logging program for the first new well development well drilled in the 9 square mile area; (i) collecting mud gas samples and analyzing selected mud gas samples for gas composition and stable isotopes; (j) identifying and contouring a shallow formation boundary near or below the average depth of surface casing in the area; and (k) continuing periodic bradenhead pressure and groundwater monitoring following drilling. This approach is particularly effective in areas where historic drilling practices have left annular intervals of production casing uncemented. Such protocols also facilitate identifying point sources of stray hydrocarbon gases discovered in response to water well complaints and pre-drill water well sampling.
Gas Migration Behind Cased Energy Wellbores as a Transient Process
Maurice Dusseault, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Presence and Origin of Dissolved Gas in Groundwater in the St-Edouard Area (Quebec, Canada)
Christine Rivard
Results of geochemical analyses show the presence of methane in groundwater throughout the region, but with widely variable concentrations. Some samples also show the presence of propane, indicating a thermogenic component. Results of geochemical analyses of soil gas provide similar indications. Available isotopic analyses suggest that all groundwater samples have a biogenic signature, but that 20% to 40% of samples have a mixed origin (i.e., containing both biogenic and thermogenic gas). Geochemical analyses of core samples from shallow wells (50-60 meters depth) show that the near-surface bedrock contains hydrocarbons (C1-C20) that could constitute the source for both biogenic and thermogenic gas. Additional analyses are planned to identify more precisely the origin of dissolved natural gas and the possibility for fluids to migrate from deep shale units to the surface aquifers.
Regional Variability in the Gas Geochemistry of the Appalachian Basin and Implications for Groundwater Investigations
Fred Baldassare
Most gases in the Paleozoic strata of the Appalachian Basin were either cracked directly from kerogen or cracked directly from oil that was generated in those source rocks. These gases were subjected to further thermal stresses, geologic upheaval, and migration. Other sources of gas include the regionally prominent coal beds of the bituminous coalfields and microbial gas in glacial drift found in the northern area of the basin. Any of these gases may have migrated to shallower formations on geologic timescale or contemporaneously due to anthropogenic activity. Gas migration of both orders may yield mixing of gases on both a regional and local scale. Understanding the complexity associated with the interplay of gases of different origins found in the shallow system is instructive for investigations of stray gas migration.
Morning Session (cont.)
Assessment of Baseline Groundwater Quality and Unconventional Development of Hydrocarbons: The Science and the Belief
Donald Siegel, Ph.D.
To what extent is this belief reality? What evidence actually shows drilling for unconventional hydrocarbons causes meaningful contamination above and beyond natural water chemical variability in the Appalachian Basin? In my talk I show there has been minimal harm to potable waters from unconventional hydrocarbon development compared to that caused by other acceptable industrial practices. I arrive at my conclusion from the basic principles of hydrogeology, physics, and chemistry, and analysis of more than 30,000 baseline samples collected where drilling already has been most intense in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Baseline sampling, if done, should focus on halogens (Cl, Br, I), not major solutes such as sodium, trace metals such as iron and barium, nutrients, or fecal coliform bacteria, to assess possible solute contamination from oil and gas development. A forensically viable suite of VOCs and SVOCs associated with hydraulic fracturing could be explored to assess changes in methane concentrations if they occur beyond reasonable variability in native waters. This suite needs to be designed to sample those compounds that do not biodegrade too fast to be seen, and to avoid cross contamination by materials used during the drilling of production wells.
Evaluating Key Sources of Groundwater Quality Variability in Residential Water Wells for Pre-Drill Sampling
Stephen Richardson, Ph.D., PE, PEng
This presentation summarizes the results of two field studies aimed at evaluating sources of variability in pre-drill groundwater data and quantifying their impact on dissolved gas concentrations and other water quality parameters from a series of private residential water supply wells in northeast Pennsylvania. The objectives of the study are twofold: (1) investigate the effects of sampling methodologies on pre-drill water well quality, and (2) quantify the degree of variability in dissolved gas concentration, isotopic signature, and general water quality parameters over an 18-month period. The goal of this work is to form a better understanding of the inherent variability in pre-drill and post-drill analytical results and develop recommendations for improved sample collection methods and data interpretation.
Preliminary Results of a Dissolved Methane Sampling Campaign in Texas
Jean-Philippe Nicot
The Relationship Between Redox State and Methane Concentrations: Implications for Pre- and Post-Drill Sampling
Lisa Molofsky
A Comparative Analysis of Water Use for Hydraulic Fracturing
Mike Nickolaus, PG
A Comparison of the Methods Used for the Investigation of Dissolved Gas Concentrations
Christine Jampo
This paper will discuss several of the differences between the different methodologies and the variables within a given methodology that can impact the results generated from the analysis of a given sample location. Impact of sampling methodology will also be discussed along with some initiatives of the MSC around this issue.
Assessment of Drinking Water Risk from a Hypothetical Marcellus Shale Flowback Water Spill
William Rish, Ph.D.
In 2009, the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) published the findings of sampling and laboratory analysis of flowback water from 19 shale gas wells drilled into the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The chemical analysis results from the GTI study are used in this paper to characterize the chemical composition of an assumed spill of flowback water. A risk assessment is presented that quantitatively evaluates possible human health risk from a hypothetical scenario where 10,000 gallons of this flowback water is spilled on the ground, infiltrates into groundwater that is a source of drinking water, and a person located downgradient drinks the groundwater. Key uncertainties encountered when estimating risk are given explicit quantitative treatment using Monte Carlo Analysis. Chemicals significantly contributing to estimated health risks are identified, as are key uncertainties and variables to which risk estimates are sensitive.
Baseline Methane Concentrations in Drinking-Water Wells in the Appalachian Plateau Province of Maryland
David Bolton
Chemical Characteristics of Saline Water from the Catskill Formation in Test Wells in Northeastern Pennsylvania
Dennis Risser
The predominant major ions in samples of saline groundwater from the test holes were sodium, chloride, and calcium. The predominant trace constituents were strontium, bromide, barium, lithium, iron, manganese, zinc, fluoride, boron, molybdenum, and arsenic. Mass ratios of chloride to bromide in saline-water samples were about 100, similar to reported values of brines from western Pennsylvania and Marcellus flowback waters.
The saline water from the Catskill Formation contained hydrocarbon gases. Methane concentrations ranged from 7.8 to 55 milligrams per liter in five samples. The isotopic ratios of 13C/12C and 2H/1H of the methane indicated a thermogenic gas, but one which was much more depleted in 13C and 2H than gas produced from the Marcellus Formation.
The analyses showed that the inorganic chemical composition of saline waters found at relatively shallow depths in the Catskill Formation can be difficult to distinguish from theoretical mixtures of freshwater with deeper brines. Thus, inorganic constituents should be used with caution as indicators of contamination from shale-gas operations, even for elements such as barium, strontium, and bromide that have been suggested as highly specific indicators of Marcellus waters.
Comparison of Water Well Quality Before/After Nearby Hydraulic Fracturing of Gas Wells in Pennsylvania
Bryan Swistock
Compounds Specific Isotope Analysis to Recognize and Evaluate Natural Attenuation of Methane in Groundwater
John Wilson, Ph.D
Field-Scale Monitoring — a Collaborative Approach
Greg White, P.G.
To overcome these challenges, a collaborative approach was employed between the natural gas proponent and the state water board. The process involved negotiations with the water board to gain access to the state’s surface water and groundwater monitoring networks within and around the proposed development area. Utilizing the state’s infrastructure provided the gas proponent with a robust purpose-built monitoring network targeting key water resources, an extensive historical and independent dataset to characterize baseline conditions, and an avenue for increased transparency with the public. The use of existing infrastructure reduced the need to install new monitoring infrastructure and provided historical monitoring data to supplement the current understanding of baseline conditions. Further, the process provided the water board with a thorough assessment of their monitoring sites and a source of ongoing data to utilize for various internal initiatives.
While this collaborative approach does not remove all challenges associated with field-scale data acquisition, it provides a framework for reducing costs and characterization timeframes, increasing transparency, and ultimately streamlining resource development in an environmentally responsible manner.
Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas Production in California — Water Use and Water Quality
Eric Nichols, PE(CA)
The oil industry is exploring the potential of the deep Monterey shale at depths of 7000 to 14,000 feet. Initial exploratory wells have used an average 10 AF of water for hydraulically fracturing each well. Based on recent estimates of Monterey oil production, the volume of water expected to be used by 2030 for all hydraulic fracturing in California, including the Monterey Formation, is less than 2500 AF, representing 0.004% of freshwater usage in California.
There have been no documented incidents of groundwater contamination in California caused by hydraulic fracturing because: (1) California has strict regulations for well construction to protect groundwater; (2) hydraulic fracturing fluid consists primarily of non-toxic materials (water, sand, guar, etc.); (3) oil producing zones are isolated from freshwater and separated from overlying aquifers by several thousand feet of sediment; and (4) the practice has primarily been used in the western San Joaquin Valley, where freshwater is absent and groundwater is often naturally saline.
The deep Monterey Formation in the San Joaquin Valley is separated from overlying aquifers by 5000 to 13,000 feet of sediment, and groundwater below a depth of 1000 feet in many areas has been found to be brackish or saline, and commonly contains natural gas.
Current regulations require groundwater monitoring or proof that no protected groundwater is present. Protected groundwater contains less than 10,000 mg/L TDS and is not in an oil- or gas-producing zone. Regulations also require public disclosure of all hydraulic fracturing fluid components, baseline groundwater sampling, and ongoing monitoring.
Hydraulic Fracturing — a South African Perspective
Fanie de Lange
Hydraulic fracturing has become a prevalent public and regulatory issue in most countries developing shale gas. One of the key issues being debated is the protection of groundwater resources in rural areas, since most of South Africa’s rural and some inland cities are dependent on groundwater for potable water supply. Much interest in the country is now directed towards the Karoo because of its potential to deliver shale gas as a future fuel source. Production of shale gas by means of hydraulic fracturing has the potential of contaminating shallow groundwater resources. A large range of chemical elements that could pollute the freshwater is possible, e.g. (a) the current groundwater and methane that is captured in the organic Ecca shale, (b) fracking fluids that will be used during the process, and (c) existing elements in the shale that will be released due to input of fracking fluids, e.g., NORMs. Water currently captured in the organic shale is not suitable for drinking by humans. Due to the unique geological structure of the Karoo, the presence of dolerite structures, a number of risk mitigation methods might be required to successfully develop hydraulically fractured wells. Holistically, the chemical and hydrogeological impacts related to wellfield development cannot be ignored in the Karoo aquifer system, as it has the potential to directly influence human and environmental health.
Hydrolysis of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Organic Additives and Their Interaction with Pyrite
Nizette Edwards
The objective of this work was to study the hydrolysis of hydraulic fracturing fluid additives and their interaction with pyrite. Pyrite is a ubiquitous mineral of the Marcellus Shale lithostratigraphy. It is also known to be redox active, and is capable of catalyzing reactions with organic compounds. In this study, the reported solubility, volatility, and hydrophobicity of the most common hydraulic fracturing ingredients was used to assess which compounds are mobile enough to react downhole. The hydrolysis of these selected hydraulic fracturing chemicals was studied, and then each compound was added to an aqueous suspension of pyrite. The transformation products were monitored over time using liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-QQQ). Preliminary results showed that pyrite catalyzed reactions with the biocide dazomet, producing different products from those observed in the literature for surface waters. This is indicative of pyrite’s reactivity and the need for further understanding of its behavior with hydraulic fracturing fluids. The results of this study will increase the energy sector’s understanding of the fate and efficacy of the chemicals used, and will inform wastewater management schemes of methods to dispose of fracking flowback water.
Indicators of Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids on Groundwater Quality
Dale Van Stempvoort
Passive Grab Sampling for Dissolved Methane in Deep Groundwater
Kathleen A. Mihm, PG
Several rounds of groundwater samples were collected from site wells to assess the passive groundwater samplers and to characterize the deep groundwater. Methane concentrations measured for samples collected using the Snap Sampler and the Solinst Discrete Interval Sampler method closely approximated calculated methane-saturated concentrations at depth. Degassing within the Snap Sampler vials did occur upon retrieval because the vials are not pressure sealed; however, because degassed vapor and fluid is contained within the vessel, the methane concentrations measured in the Snap vials appear to be representative of downhole concentrations. Split samples of Snap Sampler vials indicated inter-laboratory variability, which was partially attributed to inconsistency in laboratory protocols. Based on experimentation, we found that several approaches were effective in obtaining deep groundwater samples for groundwater with dissolved methane at concentrations of tens to hundreds of mg/L.
The Science-Policy-Technology Nexus of Next Generation Water Quality Regulation
Heather Dawn Gingerich
Understanding Key Elements of Past Subsurface Fluid Releases to Better Inform Future Groundwater Monitoring
Pete Penoyer, Hydrogeologist
This presentation attempts to briefly summarize what is understood about the local geology, migration pathways, primary COCs, drive mechanisms, wellbore integrity, etc. that may have been contributing factors to some alleged/documented release incidents. Those fluid releases of hydrocarbons/brine that have gained national notoriety (e.g., PA, OH, TX, WY, CO, ND) suggest the actual role played by the hydraulic fracturing process itself is largely unrelated and the focus on the induced fracture pathway through/beyond the target formation appears unwarranted (“frac outs” excepted). Only through a better understanding of such past documented subsurface fluid releases may future groundwater monitoring be best informed and focused to cost effectively detect subsurface releases to shallow groundwater.