The Missing Ingredient to Healthy Farming: Understanding Groundwater Supply
Thursday, December 8, 2016: 10:25 a.m.
N117 (Las Vegas Convention Center)
Nick Hayes, CTO
Wellntel Inc., Milwaukee, WI
Joseph Fillingham, Ph.D.
Wellntel Inc., Silver Spring, MD
Marian Singer, CEO
Wellntel Inc., Milwaukee, WI
Farmers are masters at seeing conditions and trends to manage inputs and outputs. It is widely understood that if relevant data are available, the farmer will use it well. So, most modern farmers study a dashboard loaded with metrics including seed count, nutrients applied, gallons irrigated, and production output, among many other statistics. Missing on that dashboard: the condition of the groundwater source on which they, and their neighbors, depend. It’s high time that vital statistic be inserted. Near real time data about groundwater levels in wells can be fed to the farm’s information system, providing insights into available supply. When connected with data about pumping or irrigating, a farmer has the complete groundwater picture, and can manage related systems smartly.
Nick Hayes, CTO, Wellntel Inc., Milwaukee, WI
Nick Hayes is the CTO and co-founder of Wellntel Inc. As an equal partner in the firm FiveTwelve Group, conducting research for Fortune 250 companies including GE, Schneider Electric, ITT, Bucyrus, and Johnson Controls, he spent many years studying the global water business. Most recently, his focus has been on groundwater exploration, access, contracting, financing, regulation, costs, operations, and the global and local conditions that drive its use and threaten its sustainability. Hayes founded Wellntel in 2013 with co-founder Marian Singer.
Joseph Fillingham, Ph.D., Wellntel Inc., Silver Spring, MD
Joseph Fillingham is the Science Lead at Wellntel Inc. where he works to improve the usefulness and power of groundwater information collected with the Wellntel system focusing on water and environmental dynamics. He also supports the Wellntel technical team in the development of new ways to sense important properties of groundwater. Fillingham received his Ph.D. in freshwater ecosystem dynamics from the School of Freshwater Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Marian Singer, CEO, Wellntel Inc., Milwaukee, WI
Marian Singer is the CEO and co-founder of Wellntel Inc. As an equal partner in the firm FiveTwelve Group, conducting research for Fortune 250 companies including GE, Schneider Electric, ITT, Bucyrus, and Johnson Controls, she spent many years studying the global water business. Most recently, her focus has been on groundwater exploration, access, contracting, financing, regulation, costs, operations, and the global and local conditions that drive its use and threaten its sustainability. Singer founded Wellntel in 2013 with co-founder Nick Hayes.