Nebraska Annular Space Research-Beyond the Grout Study
Tuesday, December 6, 2016: 10:55 a.m.
N119/N120 (Las Vegas Convention Center)
In its third year, the Nebraska Annular Space Research project is designed to study if grout material can be retroactively inserted into the annular space of fully gravel packed well in hopes eliminating a preferential pathway for contaminates to reach the groundwater reservoir. The study has focused on irrigation wells constructed prior to 2014. Currently Nebraska has approximately 100,000 active irrigation wells that were constructed prior to 2014. The contaminates of concern are nitrates, selenium, arsenic, and uranium. The study is scheduled for 5 years of research. In year three we are seeing positive results in wells that have been modified with the targeted grout seals. Additional testing will be needed to verify the sustainability of such results.