Paul Capel

Paul Capel
National Water Quality Assessment Program, University of Minnesota, USGS, Minneapolis, MN
Paul Capel is a hydrologist and research team leader of the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program’s (NAWQA) Integrated Watersheds Studies Team. He also holds an appointments as a adjunct associate professor with the University of Minnesota, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering. He received his doctorate from the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota in 1986 and has spent almost 30 years conducting and leading environmental research. During his tenure with the USGS, he has been a research chemist with the Office of Water Quality, the NAWQA Pesticide National Synthesis Project, and the research leader of the NAWQA Agricultural Chemicals Team. Capel has authored or co-authored over 90 journal articles, scientific reports, and books. His major research interests have focused on the behavior and fate of chemicals in the environment, particularly pesticides and nitrogen, and the importance of hydrologic flowpaths on chemical transport. Currently, he is working on the methods to quantify and model inputs of nitrogen from groundwater to streams.