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Gicon Engineered Pumps

motors, pipe/casing, pumps, suppliers, tanks
Gicon Engineered Pumps is a value-added pump specialty integrator of the highest quality pumps and related equipment. Our offering includes: Goulds deep well & short set line-shaft turbines. Goulds, Franklin & Wilo submersible turbines. Indar & Centrilift submersible motors. Cornell Self Priming and Centrifugal Pumps. Pre-packaged pump stations. Skid & Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Driven Pumps. Pump Performance Test Pit with capabilities to 10,000 GPM and 3,400 feet of head.
Gicon GTX Diesel Engine Driven Pump Packages with Remote Control & Monitoring Capabilities. Gicon SPS, MPS, DPS & VMS Pre-Packaged Pump Stations with Remote Control & Monitoring Capabilities. Gicon Tube & Shaft assemblies for line-shaft turbine pumps.