Ten Things You Wish the Public Knew

Thursday, December 8, 2016: 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
N115/N116 (Las Vegas Convention Center)
From business travel and other random encounters with the general public, Mark Reeder has curated a database of its perceptions of water wells and the groundwater industry. Even end-users such as homeowners and farmers who have their own private water systems generally have little knowledge of how water gets to their tap. Despite the best efforts of industry associations, manufacturers, and professionals, there is still a wealth of information that the public can learn about groundwater and the groundwater industry. In this session, discover ten things you wish the public knew about our industry in hopes that it may help you better communicate and educate your customers.

DACUM Codes: DOA1, DOA3, DOA5, DOJ8, PIA3, PIA5, PIA6 and PIG12
Mark Reeder
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