Sizing the Right Pipe for a Job

Tuesday, December 6, 2016: 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
N115/N116 (Las Vegas Convention Center)
This is a one hour presentation on sizing the right pipe for a job.

The student will understand the importance of using the right size pipe for a job to minimize Friction Loss. They will take away the fact that is does cost money from the end user to have pipe that is old or undersized. I will open with Bernoulli’s Law so they know how water moves. Then I will show the difference between moving water with two different size pipes. I will also help the student to see how the size of a pipe may be different than what is said on the pipe. Example a 2” Sch 40 vs class 120, just because they are both plastic pipe does not mean they have the same friction loss. The class 120 has a much small ID and therefore will have a higher velocity and more Friction Loss.

I would like to hand out the B9020 Engineering Manual published by Berkeley pumps.

DACUM Codes: DOB4 and PIC6
Dan Featherstone
See more of: Workshops