Utilizing Groundwater Data for Science and Management (AA)

Wednesday, December 7, 2016: 4:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Exhibit Hall- Activity Area B (Las Vegas Convention Center)
Unlike conventional groundwater monitoring methods, which collect only sporadic and/or limited scale data, Wellntel systems are collecting tens of thousands of static groundwater level and pumping measurements every month from almost any kind of well: piezometers, permanent monitoring stations, as well as domestic and irrigation wells with pumps. The result is a flood of new and useful information about groundwater conditions, impacts and connections. In this hands-on, immersive, online experience, explore the tools available to groundwater scientists and managers on the Wellntel online dashboard. Identify how to access data and utilize the Wellntel online dashboard to visualize, compare, and download static groundwater levels, pumping duty, time, and drawdowns, local area trends, and other operational and environmental data in near real time to identify critical issues, build new insights, and inform decisions.
Nick Hayes, CTO and Marian Singer, CEO
Joseph Fillingham, Ph.D.
See more of: Activity Areas