Legally Structuring Your Business Activities To Comply With New Electronic Logging Device Laws
N115/N116 (Las Vegas Convention Center)
The basic Hours-of-Service laws have not changed, but Federal law will soon require all motor carriers to install Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) in their vehicles as a method of tracking a driver’s time. However, the law does include three specific exceptions to the ELD regulations that will allow a company to legally operate their vehicles without the need to install ELDs. Though not complicated, these exceptions are limited and require a thorough understanding by both management and drivers. Furthermore, these exceptions may not be practical to your specific business operation. Before you can apply these exceptions, you must first have a basic understanding of the current Hours of Service regulations and how they apply to your business. This presentation will provide a refresher of the HOS laws and highlight the three exceptions to help you determine your best practices to ensure proper compliance.
DACUM Codes: DOD3, DOI7, DOK8, DOL1, DOL3, PIB9, PID12 and PIG2
Tony Verillo
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