How to Be a Volunteer Advocate: Fly-Ins and Drive-Ins and Grassroots, Oh my!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016: 7:30 a.m.-8:45 a.m.
N101/N102 (Las Vegas Convention Center)
Each year NGWA counts on its members to serve as advocates before policymakers in Washington, DC.  With a new administration and a new Congress in Washington, don’t miss this critical opportunity to learn how you can play a role in informing, educating, and influencing leaders in Washington D.C. and in your hometown.   NGWA is planning its annual Fly-In set for 2017.  in this session you will learn the latest details on how to participate, discuss issues and strategies, as well as find out ways to engage your congressional delegation throughout the year.
Lauren Schapker
See more of: Workshops