McEllhiney Lecture: Groundwater Contaminants and Treatment Technologies

Wednesday, December 7, 2016: 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
N101/N102 (Las Vegas Convention Center)
No two water supplies are identical, and to ensure a potable water supply that is safe, good tasting, and acceptable for washing, bathing, or showering, a thorough water analysis is the first place to start.

Health-related contaminants such as nitrite/nitrate, arsenic, and pathogenic microorganisms may be naturally occurring or the result of human activity, or both. Also, the water pH, total dissolved solids, iron, hardness, and other constituents may affect taste or its other properties. The challenge to the groundwater professional is how to reduce them to an acceptable level.

This presentation identifies the classes of treatment technologies and details the specific technology choices as a function of contaminant reduction efficacy and cost. Installation requirements are also addressed, as well as operation and maintenance.
Peter S. Cartwright, PE
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