• 1318
Baski Inc

environmental, geotechnical, geothermal, packers, pipe/casing
Baski is a leading manufacturer of downhole products such as inflatable packers, ASR valves, extra heavy duty pitless units and more for investigating, controlling and producing the earth's fluids. Packers with 100-10,000 psi ratings for 1"—60" holes are manufactured for hydrology testing, hydrofracturing, grouting, multiple completions, etc. Company also manufactures In-Flex flow control valves for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) projects for all sizes of casing and injection/pumping rates.
Website: www.baski.com

NGWA Groundwater Summit is being held in conjunction with Groundwater Week.

Find out more about NGWA and our events.

National Ground Water Association
601 Dempsey Road
Westerville, Ohio 43081
Phone 614 898.7791
(toll-free within the United States 800 551.7379)
Fax 614 898.7786
Email ngwa@ngwa.org


http://www.ngwa.org/ —home site of NGWA

http://www.wellowner.org — information for well owners

National Ground Water Association