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ECT Manufacturing, Inc
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drilling fluids/mud, environmental, pumps, screens, suppliers
We are the Source for Direct Push, Monitoring Well and Environmental Consultant Supplies, Stainless Steel Prepacked Well Screens, Schuma-Probe Porous Polyethylene Sparge Screens, Proactive Pumps, Injection Tools, Johnson Screens, Teflon Liners and Tubing.
SCHUMAPROBE, Porous Polyethylene Sparge Screens
Porous polyethylene well screen solves characteristic problems associated with Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction. Greater porosity, uniform pore distribution and predictable pore size provide the ability to match flow characteristics of the screen to that of the formation. Produces a fine bubble matrix over the entire surface of the screen allowing gasses to migrate easily into the soil formation. Minimizes flow resistance. Available: 1” and 2” Pipe Sizes, 20 & 40 um Pore Sizes.
Website: www.ectmfg.com