Application of 3D Visualization Modeling to Improve Conceptual Site Model Development and Groundwater Remediation

Presented on Monday, December 3, 2018
Richard Boone, CPG, CHMM1 and Timothy Cushman2, (1)OBG, Cincinnati, OH, (2)OBG, Milwaukee, WI

Three-dimensional (3D) visualization modeling can be extremely useful to analyze and present data for environmental assessments, remedial planning, and litigation support, as well as regulatory and public relations. Two-dimensional (2D) contours and 3D volumes of stratigraphic and chemical data are interpolated with statistical models, which include variography and kriging algorithms. A 3D geologic and chemical model was developed for a multi-layer unconsolidated aquifer system impacted with chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs). The 3D model served as a comprehensive tool to (1) enhance communication and provide a better understanding of subsurface environmental conditions, (2) formulate and refine the conceptual site model (CSM), and (3) focus future resources on data collection for design of a hydraulic control interim remedial measure (IRM). Application of the 3D visualization model resulted in an improved interpretation of cross-unit vertical communication areas, confirmation of comingling with an offsite CVOC plume, and a refined approach to focused remediation of the core of onsite CVOC plumes, which resulted in cost savings. A four-dimensional video animation of the 3D visualization facilitated the evaluation of the vertical communication between aquifers and the distribution of CVOC mass, which is both dissolved within the aquifer and stored in the confining units between the aquifers. Geospatial data files of the updated hydrostratigraphic units were directly imported into a 3D numerical groundwater flow model to develop the design of the pump-and-treat IRM. The use of the 3D visualization, video animation, and interaction with the groundwater flow model enhanced site characterization and communication with the client, USEPA, and other stakeholders.

Richard Boone, CPG, CHMM
OBG, Cincinnati, OH
Richard L. Boone, CPG, CHMM is a Managing Scientist and Hydrogeologist at OBG with more than 30 years of experience involving industrial/hazardous waste management, groundwater investigations, modeling, and remediation for large and complex industrial sites. His professional interests include 3D conceptual site model development and visualization, groundwater flow modeling, and natural remediation. He is a Professional Geologist and has a BA in Geology from Miami University in Ohio and a MS in Hydrology/Hydrogeology from the Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada-Reno.

Timothy Cushman
OBG, Milwaukee, WI
Timothy D. Cushman, GISP is a Technical Applications Analyst at OBG with more than 10 years of experience in the environmental engineering and consulting services industry. His professional interests include 3D conceptual site modeling, geospatial / geostatistical modeling, GPS asset management, and database development and management. He is a Certified GIS Professional and has a degree in Conservation and Environmental Science from University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.
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