Lessons Learned from Development and Implementation of the National Groundwater Monitoring Network
Lessons Learned from Development and Implementation of the National Groundwater Monitoring Network
Presented on Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The development and implementation of the National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGWMN) serves as an excellent example of groundwater professionals from all sectors working together toward a common goal and succeeding in the face of government gridlock and significant budget-cutting. This consensus effort also serves as a “working model” for NGWA members who are meeting with legislators and regulatory officials – because of the Local-State-Federal cooperation that is the underpinning of the design, piloting, and implementation of the NGWMN. The persistence, perseverance, and personal commitment of literally dozens and dozens of groundwater professionals led to the passage of federal legislation and appropriation of funding. The back story began with initial calls for nationwide monitoring, including an important NGWA white paper, as well as discussions among representatives to the federal Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI), to which NGWA is an organizational member. NGWA members include NGWMN as a key “ask” every year since the NGWMN was first designed during Congressional visits. It is extremely important for NGWA members to continue participating in the multi-sector, multiple discipline, and Local-State-Federal cooperative NGWMN effort that is an excellent example of how to succeed in the face of government’s lack of action.