Natural and Anthropogenic Contaminants

Tuesday, February 27, 2018: 8:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m.

William Alley, Ph.D.
8:50 a.m.
Quality of groundwater used for public supply in principal aquifers of the Southwestern U.S.

Celia Rosecrans1 and Marylynn Musgrove2, (1)USGS, Sacramento, CA, CA, (2)USGS, Austin, TX

9:30 a.m.
Pre-Regulatory Closed Landfill Care: Albuquerque’s Experience

Bart Faris1, Ken Ziegler1, Charles Barber2 and Paul Olson1, (1)Environmental Health Department, City of Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM, (2)Environmental Health Department, Environmental Services Division, City of Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM

9:50 a.m.
Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Water, North Central New Mexico

Patrick Longmire, Ph.D.1, David Fellenz2, Kim Granzow2, Michael R. Dale3, Megan Green2 and Stephen M. Yanicak2, (1)New Mexico Environment Department, Ground Water Quality Bureau, Santa Fe, NM, (2)New Mexico Environment Department, DOE Oversight Bureau, Los Alamos, NM, (3)New Mexico Environment Department, Hazardous Waste Bureau, Los Alamos, NM

10:30 a.m.
Refreshment Break

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