Groundwater Issues and Science Affecting Policy and Management in the Southwest: Alphabetical Content Listing
Drought Management/Managed Aquifer Recharge
Robert D. Marley
A New (old) Method to Measure Layered Vadose Zone Permeability at Field Scale for Managed Aquifer Recharge
Daniel Sola
HGC originally adapted this method to directly determine landfill gas generation rates. We have used this method to measure vertical vadose zone gas permeabilities at over 50 sites to depths of up to 300 feet. Actual and theoretical examples of measuring vadose zone permeability using this method are presented.
Mitigating Drought Impacts on Estuary Inflows using Aquifer Storage and Recovery
James Dodson
One adaptive management study recently commissioned by the Guadalupe-San Antonio (GSA)-BBASC investigated the use of two untapped categories of surface water flows – treated wastewater return flows and unappropriated water rights – and Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) as a means of achieving the “Strategy Target Frequencies (STFs)” for the spring and summer freshwater inflow targets the GSA-BBASC established for the San Antonio Bay - Guadalupe Estuary System during drought periods.
A water availability model was used to calculate how much water from these two categories would be available for ASR storage during the “good years,” the total volume of ASR storage needed to meet the STFs for estuary inflows through a drought of record, and the volume of ASR recovery capacity required to deliver the stored water to the estuary during the spring and summer target periods. Modeling results were used to size ASR facilities to meet the STFs, and to prepare conceptual designs and cost estimates for a series of ASR facilities located along the lower Guadalupe River, just above the estuary. The project report included recommendations for state water policy changes needed to facilitate this innovative strategy.
Understanding the Role of Decision Support Tools for Assisting Managed Aquifer Recharge in California’s Central Valley
Zachary Sugg, Ph.D.
Groundwater Sustainability
Stacy Timmons
An Overview of the NMBGMR Collaborative Groundwater Monitoring Network and How to Get Involved
Sara Chudnoff, PG
Developing 3-Dimensional GIS Models for Visualizing Aquifer Systems in New Mexico
Colin Cikoski
Energy Storage Investigation at Groundwater Banks
Lon House, Ph.D.
Two different technologies were assessed. Aquifer Pumped Hydro (APH) involved using the aquifer as the lower storage reservoir and a surface storage reservoir as the upper reservoir and retrofitting thegroundwater wells with reversible pump generators. Pumped Storage (PS) involved using a surface storage reservoir as the lower reservoir, an upper elevation reservoir as the upper reservoir, and pumps and hydroelectric generator to connect the two. The Willow Springs Water Bank (WSWB) in Southern California was the facility chosen for the investigation.
Due to the California hydrologic cycle, three different operating modes were assessed. During Wet Years the WSWB is recharging the aquifer and the projects were evaluated as a hydroelectric generators. During Idle Years the WSWB is neither recharging nor withdrawing water and projects were evaluated as pumped storage. During Dry Years the WSWB is withdrawing water continuously and the projects were evaluated as demand response (curtailing pumping load in response to electrical system needs).
The results of the analysis are that, for both technologies, the ability to curtail/adjust pumping and participate in demand response was the most valuable resource, more valuable than the ability to generate electricity. This can be accomplished by adding a surface storage reservoir to balance out water delivery needs when the pumps are curtailed without adding a generation component.
The Aquifer Pumped Hydro was not cost effective, due to technology costs and aquifer transmissivity making the round-trip efficiency dismal.
For Pumped Storage the ability to participate in fast ramping and demand response was significantly more valuable than operating as a bulk energy supplier but this option option needed the Dry Year demand response to be cost effective.
Groundwater in Unconfined New Mexican Aquifers
Alex Rinehart
Investigating Groundwater Sustainability in Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico
Steve Rice, PG
Lifetime Projections for the High Plains Aquifer in East-Central New Mexico
Alex Rinehart
Projected lifetimes and progressively enlarging areas of zero saturation are shown on maps. Areas of declining water-levels and decreasing aquifer life are more reliable projections than areas where these quantities have increased. There is high confidence in the results in the region surrounding Clovis and Portales. Discrepancies between lifetime projections derived from the past and current conditions are largely due to differences between actual decline rates and those projected into the future from any given time period in the past. The results match very well across the state line with lifetime projections for the Texas Panhandle region. The effects of groundwater pumping and water-level declines in east-central New Mexico are similar to those observed in the High Plains aquifer across northwest Texas and western Kansas. Much of the region already has insufficient saturated thickness for large-capacity irrigation wells. Even when considering the lifetime of the entire thickness of the aquifer, projected lifetimes across much of the study area are a few tens of years or less.
Mapping Deep Channel Deposits in the Ogallala Aquifer Using Electrical Resistivity Surveys
John Jansen, Ph.D., PG
The aquifer has been extensively pumped for decades and significant dewatering has occurred. In portions of the aquifer the saturated thickness is becoming a limiting factor controlling the production of a well and the sustainability of the supply. While the mining is not sustainable, wells in deeper portions of the aquifer with coarser sands will provide higher yields for longer periods as the thinner parts of the aquifer are dewatered but the deeper parts of the aquifer still contain saturated permeable material. While it is not possible to predict the thickness of the Ogallala based on surface topography, there are geophysical methods that can be used to map the thickness of permeable sand and gravel units above the underlying units.
A high resolution electrical resistivity survey conducted in west Texas for an industrial client. The client had an extensive well field to provide cooling water for an industrial facility but regional declines in water levels continues to reduce the capacity of most of the wells. Seven miles of resistivity lines were used to map the deeper portions of the aquifer. Subsequent test borings confirmed the channels, which varied from about 180 to about 270 feet deep, with the coarsest formation in the deepest part of the channels. A horizontal well was constructed in one of the deeper channels. The additional submergence provided by siting the well in the deeper channels and coarsest sands helped increase the production from the horizontal well.
Potentiometric Surface Maps in the Middle Rio Grande Basin: Rising Water Levels in the Production Zone
Lucas Curry
Simplified Stream Accretion Modeling for Sustainable Groundwater Management: An Interactive Approach
Deborah L. Hathaway, PE
Hypothetical groundwater management options were analyzed to provide a screening-level comparison of the magnitude and timing of flow increase to the Scott River. Four hypothetical groundwater management options are presented, including delayed groundwater pumping, managed winter recharge, augmentation wells and reduced irrigation pumping. Potential flow benefits are reviewed to understand the scale of the project or projects that may be required to satisfy water rights and to protect aquatic resources. The actions differ notably in the timing of flow benefits. The timing of benefits is a critical factor in judging the suitability of management actions for meeting flow objectives. A graphical comparison of groundwater management flow impacts is facilitated with an interactive spreadsheet-based tool, including user-controlled on/off switches and sliders to select and scale the magnitude of projects. Results may be compared to user-specified monthly flow enhancement targets. The rapid comparison of stream depletion/accretion results, drawing from simulation of selected baseline actions, can provide useful information for stakeholder discussion during the process of developing groundwater sustainability plans.
Siting, Design and Construction of a Horizontal Well for Industrial Water Supply in the Ogallala Aquifer
James Beach, PG
This paper presents the approach that was used for siting, designing, and construction of a horizontal well for industrial client. The industrial user has an extensive well field to provide cooling water for a facility but regional declines in water levels continues to reduce the capacity of most of the vertical wells. The approach to siting and designing a horizontal well entailed evaluation of estimated saturated thickness, permeability, and other strategic considerations as well as groundwater modeling. After the preliminary evaluation, approximately seven miles of geophysical resistivity lines were used to map the deeper portions of the Ogallala aquifer. Subsequent test borings were used to further refine the lithology and target the best channels. The horizontal well contains 500 feet of 12-inch screen placed about 190 feet below land surface and produced over 650 gpm with only 42 feet of initial saturated thickness at the well site. Water level measurements from four vertical wells are received daily by the groundwater conservation district for monitoring purposes.
Groundwater/Surface Water Interaction
Ronald Green, Ph.D., PG
Aquifer Systems that Recharge the Texas Reach of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo
Ronald Green, Ph.D., PG
Groundwater Management in Texas: Considering Flows to Springs and Streams
Larry French, PG
We used “hydrologic landscape regions” to estimate groundwater flow to surface water based on data from nearly 600 U.S. Geological Survey stream gauging stations. This approach yielded a statewide average net groundwater flow to surface water of 9.3 million acre-feet per year, or about 30 percent of all surface-water flows. Groundwater contributions to surface water are greatest in east Texas and around major springs in the Hill Country and west Texas. The Gulf Coast Aquifer discharges the most groundwater to surface water, with an estimated flow of 3.8 million acre-feet per year. The Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer discharges the greatest volume of baseflow per square mile of aquifer area. Springs and seeps in west Texas also contribute locally significant baseflow to streams. About half of Texas aquifers contribute less than 50,000 acre-feet per year to surface-water flows.
The Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone), Edwards-Trinity (Plateau), and Pecos Valley aquifers contribute more than 50 percent of the baseflow of streams flowing across their outcrop zones. Eighteen major and minor aquifers contribute between 20 and 50 percent of the flow to streams flowing over their outcrop zones. Eight minor aquifers contribute between 14 and 20 percent of the flow to streams flowing over their outcrop zones. The Rita Blanca Aquifer, contributes zero percent to streamflow and is classified as non-tributary. Each of the state’s aquifers has local areas that may differ from the regional, aggregate designation.
Hydrologic and Temperature Indicators of Surface Water Groundwater Exchange, Sandia Canyon Wetland, Los Alamos NM
Kevin Reid, PG
Preferential Flow Pathway Controls on Groundwater Discharge in the Devils River of Texas
Nathaniel Toll
The Evolution of Unmanned Aerial System (Drones) in Water Science
Richard Brose
Uncertainty in Runoff and Recharge for Surface-Water/Groundwater Models in the Arid and Semiarid Edwards Plateau, Central Texas
Beth Fratesi, Ph.D.
Valuing Groundwater Recharge as an Attribute of Watershed Restoration: A Focus on Willingness to Pay for Project Attributes
Adrienne Soder
Multi-Jurisdictional, Integrated Water Management
Alex Rinehart
Brackish Groundwater Desalination Projects in Texas: The El Paso and San Antonio Strategies
Brad Cross, PG
GIS-Based Dynamic Database for Water Rights Administration in the Gila River Valley, NM
April Jean Tafoya
Natural and Anthropogenic Contaminants
William Alley, Ph.D.
Mobilization of Naturally Occurring Uranium to Water Supply Wells, Southern Tucson Basin
Michael Barden
Trace metal composition of alluvial basin-fill sediments is poorly known, but various uraniferous sources are present in the area and uranium content in surficial materials is known to typically be about 5 mg/kg and range up to about 22 mg/kg. Uranium is naturally occurring in the alluvial sediments and groundwater underlying the area. Uranium solubility in groundwater depends strongly on the presence of potential complexing agents in solution, such as carbonate, phosphate and sulfate, as well as on the pH and oxidation-reduction conditions. Uranium is most mobile in oxic and alkaline groundwater where it forms highly soluble uranyl-carbonate complexes. The association of elevated uranium concentrations in groundwater with nitrate has been widely noted and a variety of mechanisms are known by which nitrate can directly or indirectly result in potential uranium mobilization. Evaluation of the hydrogeology and groundwater chemistry, including geochemical modeling using PHREEQC, indicate that the source of the observed uranium concentrations in the water supply wells is most likely due to increased concentrations of bicarbonate and calcium associated with irrigation return flow from the adjacent agricultural fields that has resulted in desorption of uranium from aquifer solids through formation of a highly soluble calcium-uranyl-carbonate complex. The area of elevated uranium concentrations appears to be restricted to the area impacted by irrigation return flows.
Observed Variability in Groundwater Quality in the Rincon Valley, NM through High-Frequency Monitoring
Laura Bexfield
Land use in the Rincon Valley, located along the Rio Grande in southern New Mexico, is dominantly agricultural, and water management in the valley is highly dependent upon the annual availability of surface water for crop irrigation. Water levels in all three study wells, which represent different depths (6.7 to 18 m) and positions within the groundwater flow system, have generally risen over the period of record. However, the sites differ with respect to the direction of multi-year SC trends, as well as the seasonality and general variability of water-quality parameters. Annual dissolved-solids concentrations typically correlate with multi-year SC trends, but annual concentrations of individual major and trace elements, nutrients, and pesticides tend to be variable. Age tracers indicate that the sites have differing fractions of young (post-1950) recharge and older regional groundwater. Temporal patterns in water quality at the three sites likely illustrate the effects of various hydrologic factors and conditions, including the release, pumping, and application of water for crop irrigation.
Pre-Regulatory Closed Landfill Care: Albuquerque’s Experience
Ken Ziegler
Long term monitoring shows methane production within the waste remains consistent at levels near 35% with maximum amounts measured around 60%. Volatile organic compounds, specifically chlorinated alkenes, remain as threats to groundwater and vapor intrusion. A landfill gas extraction system, soil vapor extraction system, air injection system, and a groundwater pump and treat system has been installed, operated, and maintained at the closed Los Angeles Landfill. ESD has established guidelines for development in and around closed landfills that require assessment and abatement of landfill gas and/or waste.
Oversight and management of these closed landfills cannot be overlooked by municipalities, counties, and state agencies in spite of minimal regulatory requirements. These closed landfills continue to pose threats to groundwater resources and as such development of ordinances, policies, regulations, and guidelines may be necessary to address these long term legacy contaminant sources.
Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Water, North Central New Mexico
Patrick Longmire, Ph.D.
Quality of groundwater used for public supply in principal aquifers of the Southwestern U.S.
Celia Rosecrans
Quality of groundwater used for public supply in the aquifers of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system
Marylynn Musgrove
Transboundary Aquifers
Laura Bexfield
Geochemical and isotopic investigation of deep groundwater in the Mesilla Basin, New Mexico
Andrew Robertson
The contribution of deep groundwater to discharge and salinity in the shallow groundwater and surface water systems of the Mesilla Basin will be determined by collecting groundwater samples and analyzing for geochemical and isotopic tracers, including the radioisotopes of argon and krypton. Analytes include major ions, trace elements, the stable isotopes of water, strontium and boron isotopes, uranium isotopes, the carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon, noble gas concentrations and helium isotope ratios. Dissolved gases are extracted and captured from groundwater wells using membrane contactors in a process known as ultra-trace sampling. Gas samples are analyzed for radioisotope ratios of krypton and argon by ATTA or low-level counting.
Effectiveness of the ultra-trace sampling device and method was evaluated by comparing results of tritium concentrations to the krypton-85 content. Good agreement between the analyses, especially in samples with undetectable tritium, indicates that the ultra-trace procedure is effective and confirms that introduction of atmospheric air has not occurred. The geochemistry data indicate a complex system of geochemical endmembers, and mixing between these endmembers. Ongoing work seeks to better constrain groundwater ages and mixing models through the coupled use of conventional aqueous geochemical and isotopic analysis and the ultra-trace constituents.
Integration of Science and Policy in the Management of Transboundary Water Resources with Specific Approaches on Transboundary Aquifers along the U.S. and Mexico
Gilbert Anaya
Many of these Minutes include the allocation and distribution of shared surface waters. There is only one reference to transboundary groundwater resources within the IBWC framework. Under the 1944 Water Treaty, Minute No. 242 was signed in 1973. The Minute noted that a groundwater agreement would be developed in a subsequent agreement. The U.S. and Mexico also agreed to establish a buffer at San Luis, Arizona, and San Luis, Sonora that would limit groundwater pumping within 5 miles of the border.
Collaborative efforts related to groundwater were focused on data collection that were based on Minute No. 242 and a subsequent agreement of the IBWC signed in 2009, known as a Joint Report of the Principal Engineers, to prepare and support binational transboundary aquifer studies along the border. The IBWC framework serves to bring scientists together, to conduct joint investigations, foster information exchange, and work under a framework that is mutually agreed to and respected by both countries. The role of the IBWC may be to help bring the science and policy discussions together in a forum that could lead to the development of a framework document for groundwater.