Resume Writing for Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Monday, May 5, 2014: 1:00 p.m.
Blake (Westin Denver Downtown)
Melissa Lenczewski, Ph.D. , Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL

In the session, we will explore what goes into your resume and cover letter. We will also discuss the hiring process from start to negotiations. While this session is designed for undergraduate and graduate students that are initially entering the workforce, anyone who needs to write or review resumes in encouraged to attend. Bring a laptop or a copy of your current resume.

Melissa Lenczewski, Ph.D., Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Melissa Lenczewski is an Associate Professor of Geomicrobiology and Organic Geochemistry in the Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences and the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Illinois University. She has substantial expertise with methods such as molecular techniques and PFLA techniques for detection of microorganisms in soil and water. She also has expertise in detection of simple organic compounds in water. Lenczewski conducted research on groundwater in the Yucatan Peninsula.