Topical Sessions
Monday, May 5, 2014
1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
The 3D Geological Modeling of the Milk River Transboundary Aquifer: Challenges and Solutions
Marie-Amélie Petre
Simulating the Predevelopment Groundwater-Surface Water Flow System in the San Joaquin Valley, California
Ben Bolger, BASc, MSc.
Hydraulic Conductivity and Permeability of Sediments in Irrigation Canals
Janka Ovcharovichova
Discussion of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Permit Program, Thirteen Years’ Experience in Iowa (2000-2013)
Michael K. Anderson, PE
Aquifer Storage Recovery for Agriculture—Experience in Northeast Oregon
Said Amali, Ph.D., PE
An Evaluation of Aquifer Heterogeneity at the ASR Site, Sukhothai, Upper Chao Phraya Basin, Thailand
Rungruang Lertsirivorakul, Ph.D.
Geochemistry of an Artificial Storage Recovery (ASR) System in Sukhothai Province, North-Central Thailand
Marcia Schulmeister, Ph.D., P.G.
Resume Writing for Graduate and Undergraduate Students
Melissa Lenczewski, Ph.D.
Fine Tuning Your Interviewing Skills
Melissa Lenczewski, Ph.D.
2:20 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
3:20 p.m.-5:40 p.m.
This session will create a platform to showcase graduate student research at the summit. The session will focus on creating student interactions and create exposure for emerging academic groundwater professionals to the NGWA community. Would be appropriate session for other graduate students (or future graduate students) to attend to gain exposure to current academic pursuits.
Characterization of Groundwater Flow at a Mountainous Watershed, Niwot Ridge, Front Range, Colorado
Sarah Evans
Changes to Subsurface Metal Mobility in a Bark Beetle-Infested Forest
Kristin M. Mikkelson
Climatological and Anthropogenic Impacts on Contributions to Urban Groundwater in Los Angeles, California
Tristan Acob
Groundwater Management and Governance: A Policy Perspective
Sharon B. Megdal, Ph.D.
The State of Water Resources Around the World and Future Challenges in the United States
Nicholas Albergo, P.E, DEE
Numerical Model for Mexico Valley Aquifer
Adriana Palma Nava
Wellhead Protection Area Delineation Methods and the Influence of Heterogeneity, Anisotropy, and Aquifer Surface Recharge
Djaouida Chenaf
Achieving Dramatic Improvements in Model Efficiency and Accuracy Using MODFLOW-USG: A Case Study
Wayne E. Hesch, B.Sc.
Parameter Uncertainty for Capture Zone Delineation in a Complex Hydrogeologic Environment
Martinus Brouwers, MASc
Setting the Stage: A Groundwater Transport Model Used to Support an Innovative MNA Approach
Mike Apfelbaum
Groundwater Remediation in Karst Terranes: State of the Practice
David S. Lipson, Ph.D., PG
Superfund or Superwaste??????
Sudhir Burgaard
5:40 p.m.-6:45 p.m.
Hydrogeologic Guidelines for Large Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Kevin B. McCray, CAE
Revisiting the Radial Collector Well: Applying New Technologies To Enhance Value
Michael D. Lubrecht, LG
Groundwater Degradation in Nigeria's Niger Delta: When Oil Theft and Illegal Bunkering Take Center Stage
Innocent Kelechi Anosike, BEng, MEng, LLM
Conserving Groundwater for Farming in Developing Countries: The Case of Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria
Nduwuisi Anosike, BTech, OCA, OCP
Groundwater and Stream Water Dynamics in a Premontane Transitional Rainforest Using Stable Isotope Techniques
Andrea DuMont
Source, Migration, and Occurrence of the Potassium Rich Subsurface Brines in the Sichuan Basin
Wang Lidong
Evaluation of Artesian Pressures in a Multi-Layered Aquifer System
Chris Beza, BS Geology, PG
A Method of Estimating Groundwater Return Flow to Rivers from Riparian Irrigation Districts
Jianting Zhu
Application of WSR-88D Precipitation Estimates to Shallow Groundwater Recharge in Complex Terrains
Andrew M. Worsley, Student
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
10:30 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
Hydrogeochemical Investigations and Solute Transport Modeling of Polluted Coastal Aquifer
Venkateswara Rao Bekkam
Evaluating Coastal Aquifer Recharge as a Barrier to Saltwater Intrusion and Improving Aquifer Water Levels
Richard Walther, P.G.
Determination of the Location of the Fresh-Salt Water Interface in Coastal Unconfined Aquifers
Xun Zhou
A Design Model for a Scavenger Well Couple in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Vic Kelson, Ph.D., PE, CGWP
Improving Groundwater Management in the South Platte Alluvial Aquifer
Reagan Waskom, Ph.D.
Adventures in Designating the Mahomet Aquifer of Illinois as a Sole Source Aquifer
Allen Wehrmann, P.E., P.H. (GW), D.WRE
Pre-Drill or Baseline Water Quality Testing for Oil and Gas Operations
Robert Puls, Ph.D.
Stream Methane Monitoring for Evaluating Groundwater Impacts Associated with Shale Gas Development
Victor Heilweil
Data Management for the New and Expected Petroleum Baseline Sampling Rules
David W. Rich, Ph.D.
Challenges in Planning for Groundwater Remedy Transition at a Complex Site
William N. O'Steen
Water Quality Outside of Capture Zone Improves with System Operation
Jason R. House, C.G., P.G.
Evaluation of Selected Groundwater Cleanup at NPL Sites
Linda Fiedler
1:00 p.m.-2:40 p.m.
Mapping Shoreline Groundwater Interactions in Southern California Using Geophysical Methods
John Jansen, Ph.D., PG
Geophysical Exploration of the Solidaridad Municipality, Riviera Maya, Mexico
Rosa María Leal Bautista
What skills will the groundwater professionals of tomorrow need to perform quality work? Where will those hoping to enter the profession learn the fundamentals and the scientific application? How are academic institutions and consulting and engineering firms collaborating to provide the theoretical foundation and the practical application of groundwater science? How well do the expectations of the consulting firm employers (or regulatory agencies) mesh with those of early career professionals? This session will include, but not be limited to the current state of geoscience and a career option, outreach by academic institutions to the private section regarding curriculum design and the results, employer-identified knowledge gaps, and new professional’s viewpoint of what was missing in the training equation.
The NGWA Experience with Education and Core Competencies for Groundwater Scientists and Engineers
Kevin B. McCray, CAE
Discussion Session: Mentoring Early Career Professionals
Kathryn J. Butcher, CMP
2:00 p.m.-2:40 p.m.
Locating, Investigation, and Defining the Pawnee Aquifer, Northeastern Colorado
Theresa Jehn-Dellaport, P.G.
The Search for “New” Groundwater Sources: Assessing Unconventional Aquifers
Joshua W. Brownlow
3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Dual Domain Transport Impacts on Projected Groundwater Remediation
Robert H. Fitzgerald, P.E.
5:50 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Hydrogeologic Guidelines for Large Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Kevin B. McCray, CAE
Tracing Creosote Contamination Through Slag Waste in a Hyper-Alkaline Environment, Chicago, Illinois
Kathryn Quesnell
Reactive Transport Model for Drilling Fluid Contamination, South McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
Ellen Raimondi
Communication Microcomponents Underground Waters of the West Siberian Megabasin with the Staging of Oil Formation
Vladimir Matusevich
Inventory and Monitoring of Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems on National Forests and Grasslands
Joseph T. Gurrieri
High-Resolution Quantification of Groundwater Flux Using a Heat Tracer: Laboratory Sandbox Tests
Brant Konetchy
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
10:15 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
Application of Resistivity Imaging in the Assessment of Groundwater in Areas of Springs
Mohsen Sherif, Ph.D
A New Method for Characterization of Porewater Chemistry in Low-Permeability Sedimentary Rocks
Magda Celejewski
Characterization of Deep Groundwater Resources at Owens Lake, Inyo County, California
Victor Harris, CHG, CEG, PG
Removal of Arsenic and Mercury with Permeable Reactive Barrier Consisting of Iron Oxide Particles
Xin Song
First Year Progress Report: In Situ CO2 Sparging into a Caustic Brine Plume
Robert D. Mutch Jr., P.Hg., P.E.
Modeling of Groundwater Contamination by Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPLs)
Wonyong (Alan) Jang
The Trials and Tribulations of Developing a County-Wide Water Level Monitoring Program
Sara Chudnoff, PG
Best Practices for Reaching out to Private Well Owners
Steven D. Wilson
Collaboration Is Key to Successful Implementation of the National Ground Water Monitoring Network
Robert P. Schreiber, PE, BCEE, D.WRE
Zipliner Technology: Improving Safety and Implementability of Direct-Push Soil Sampling
Michael Gefell
Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Unconsolidated Near-Surface Aquifers Using NMR Geophysics
David Walsh, Ph.D.
Flowing Artesian Well Field Development in the Central Chi River Basin Project, Northeast Thailand
Tussanee Nettasana, Ph.D.
Connate Groundwater from the Precambrian, South Park, Colorado
Terrance R Birdsall, P.G.
1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Effect of Deep Groundwater on Karstification of the Lower Ordovician Carbonate Rocks in Tazhong Area
Wang Lidong
Unlock the Opportunity!—A Re-Evaluation of the Lower Trinity Aquifer in Central Texas
Michael Keester
Passive Grab Sampling for Dissolved Methane at Depth with the Sealed-In-Situ Snap Sampler Device
Kathleen A. Mihm, PG
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance—A New Tool for Enhanced Environmental Investigations
Matt S. Spurlin, PG
High Recharge at Semi-Arid Site Explains Wide-Spread Perchlorate in Groundwater with a Deep Water Table
Daniel B. Stephens, Ph.D., PG
Detecting Distant Drawdowns with Water-Level Modeling
Keith J. Halford, Ph.D.
Water Balance in the Guarani Aquifer Outcrop Zone, Brazil
Edson Wendland
Comparison of Water Supply Well Drilling Methods
Steve Schneider, MGWC
Developing and Rehabilitating Water Supply Wells
Kriss Schneider
Harmonics—Clean Power at the End of the Line
Larry R. Stanley