Mechanically Joined PVC Well Products–A 15-Year Retrospective and a Look Towards the Future
The engineering development and introduction of mechanically restrained Integral Bell PVC Well Casing in 1997 fundamentally changed the well construction industry. In this 15-year retrospective, we’ll look back at how contractors and engineers have benefitted from these systems, the evolution of high-strength joint designs, and the development of new sizes to meet market needs. Presentation will also describe the rigorous procedures used to qualify products for their intended use, and will detail the proven material and labor efficiencies that can be realized with non solvent-cement joining methods. The ways in which mechanical joints are referenced in various ASTM and NGWA codes will also be covered. As mechanical joining systems have also proven to be very popular on drop pipe, the presentation will also describe these systems and the web-based tools that allow contractors to evaluate proposed applications vs. published guidelines.
R&D and Technical Services, CertainTeed, Valley, PA