Mud Rotary Drilling
Mud Rotary Drilling
Presented on Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Like other drilling methods, mud rotary well construction is better suited to some geologic formations and projects than others. This workshop will address the advantages and disadvantages of the method, including proper selection of support equipment. Proper setup and teardown procedures will also be covered. Those new to the industry and those in need of a refresher can benefit from this presentation.
Roger E. Renner, MGWC, NGWAF
E.H. Renner & Sons Inc., Elk River, MN
E.H. Renner & Sons Inc., Elk River, MN
Roger E. Renner, MGWC, is president of E.H. Renner & Sons Inc. in Elk River, Minnesota, and represents the fourth of five generations in this family-owned business. Aside from the overall operation of this contracting business, he is responsible for its municipal, large well sealing, and monitoring markets. Renner received a B.S. in business administration and accounting from St. Cloud University in 1971. Active in groundwater industry affairs, he has served as an officer and is a past president of the Minnesota Water Well Association.