Don’t Forget to Disinfect…Developing a Strategy for Micrbiological Contamination in Private Water Systems.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018: 9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
N101/N102 (Las Vegas Convention Center)
Don’t forget to disinfect…Developing a stratagy for micrbiological contamination in private water systems.

Across the globe, microbiologically contaminated water is a leading cause of gastrointestinal illness. Even in developed countries, approximately 1 in 3 private wells tested are positive for indicator organisms yet the majority of private water users have no disinfection methods in place. The presentation will review the basics of common Safe Drinking Water Guidelines with a specific focus on microbiological contamination and the importance of developing a strategy for potential microbial contamination as part of your water system design.

Kirk Sheasgreen
See more of: Workshops