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Author Index:
Abraham, J.
Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys for Hydrogeologic Frameworks and Groundwater Management
Abu-Hijleh, F.
The Effect of Close-Proximity Blasting on Groundwater Quality and Impacts on Communal Drinking Water Supply Systems
Aichi, M.
Role of Geological Heterogeneity in Poroelastic Deformation of Geologic Medium due to Groundwater Extraction
Al-Haddad, A.
WITHDRAWN - Monitoring of Pollutant Movement Along a Line of Transect within the Freshwater Field of Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait
Al-Khalid, A.
WITHDRAWN - Monitoring of Pollutant Movement Along a Line of Transect within the Freshwater Field of Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait
Al-Qallaf, H.
WITHDRAWN - Monitoring of Pollutant Movement Along a Line of Transect within the Freshwater Field of Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait
Alden, D.
Lessons Learned from Surfactant Enhanced Aquifer Remediation of Light and Dense NAPLs
Alexander, J.
Case Study – Challenges Encountered during Concurrent Implementation of Remedial Strategies at a Solvent Site
Alley, W.
Water Quality and Treatment
Communicating Groundwater Science
Emerging Contaminants
Groundwater Remediation including Combined Remedies Part 2
Anderson, S.
At the Well Control for the Water Well System.
Ardit, B.
Navigating the 2018 Tax Laws to Reduce Uncertainty and Improve Profitability
Arriaza, J.
Environmental Isotopes Delineate Recharge Sources in the Coachella Valley Aquifer, California
Asch, T.
Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys for Hydrogeologic Frameworks and Groundwater Management
Baker, D.
Business Efficiency - Are We Really in It for the Money
Bandala, E.
Removal of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Using Immobilized Nano Zero-Valent Iron for Advanced Oxidation Processes
Barnes, D.
Flow of Groundwater through North Slope, Alaska Gravel Pads
Bautista, K.
Guam Water Resources Monitoring Program
Beach, G.
Supply Chain Survival in the Age of Amazon
Bendixson, V.
Hydrogeologic Map of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
Bingeman, A.
The Effect of Close-Proximity Blasting on Groundwater Quality and Impacts on Communal Drinking Water Supply Systems
Birk, G.
Optimization and Performance of ZVI Amendments for In-Situ Chemical and Biological Reduction
Birks, J.
Thermal Release Of Arsenic, Metals And Organic Compounds From Aquifer Sediments During In Situ Bitumen Extraction
Blinn, J.
Grouting Tools and Techniques for Geothermal Wells
Boone, R.
Application of 3D Visualization Modeling to Improve Conceptual Site Model Development and Groundwater Remediation
Booth, G.
Antimethanogenic Reagents (AMR) to Control Excessive Methanogenesis During Remedial Actions
Advancements to the EZVI Technology: Optimization of Biotic and Abiotic Processes and Improved Implementability
Boutt, D. F.
Water and Lithium - The nexus of hydrogeosciences and green energy in the transition from fossil fuels
2018 GSA Hydrogeology Division Birdsall-Dreiss Lecture
Brewer, W.
Remediation to Research: Training Future Hydrogeologists--A Repurposed Geoprobe to Assess an Alluvial Aquifer
Integrating Hydrogeology with Psychology for Management in a Groundwater-Dependent Community
Broga, B.
Single Phase Motors and Control Testing
Bromley, M.
Quantifying Groundwater Evapotranspiration with Remote Sensing for the Humboldt River Basin, NV
Brown, B.
Airborne Geophysical Data for Building a Groundwater Sustainability Plan
Bryant, D.
Groundwater Modeling and Monitoring Results for a Combined Thermal and In-Situ Bioremediation Remedy
Bushner, G.
Geophysical CSAMT Survey Results and Groundwater Modeling in a Groundwater Appropriation Trial
Butcher, K. J.
What is Your Business Outlook for the Next Five Years: Thrive or Dive
Cannia, J.
Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys for Hydrogeologic Frameworks and Groundwater Management
Cardiff, M.
Using Periodic Pumping to Characterize Aquifers: Field and Modeling Advantages
Carlson, N.
Geophysical CSAMT Survey Results and Groundwater Modeling in a Groundwater Appropriation Trial
Carnes, R.
Supply Chain Survival in the Age of Amazon
Chouhan, S.
Comparison of Sr-90 and Y-90 concentrations in groundwater predicted by four different models
Cleveland, D.
Risk Management for the 21st Century Business
Coffin, R.
Stable and Radio Isotope Analysis Identified Sources of Methane During an In-Situ Remedial Action
Colasurdo, L.
Risk Management for the 21st Century Business
Collins, R. D.
Groundwater Modeling and Monitoring Results for a Combined Thermal and In-Situ Bioremediation Remedy
Cramer, R.
Best Practices for Environmental Site Management: A Practical Guide for Applying Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy to Improve Conceptual Side Models
Design Verification Program - Lessons Learned from Pre-Application Assessments at In Situ Remediation Sites
Cruikshank, M.
Central Coast Blue: Creating a Sustainable Groundwater Supply and Combating the Threat of Seawater Intrusion
Cunningham, W. L.
Groundwater Data Available to the Public -- USGS and the National Groundwater Monitoring Network
Cushman, T.
Application of 3D Visualization Modeling to Improve Conceptual Site Model Development and Groundwater Remediation
Daniel, R.
How Water Well Contractors Can Become Invincible to Lawsuits and Save Thousands in Taxes
Deane, T.
A Five-Year Estimation of Wasted Potable Landscape Irrigation Water, Orange Crest-Mission Grove Area (OCMGA), Riverside CA
DeWitt, T.
Tetrachloroethylene Groundwater Remediation In A Dolomitic Limestone Aquifer Using Injectable Zero Valent Iron
DiGuiseppi, B.
Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) PFAS Team: Status of Achievements and Activities
Dougher, B.
Dynamic Response of the Freshwater Lens to Natural Variations in Recharge, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
Duderstadt, E.
Biofilm Presence in Potable Wells and Effective Chemical Treatment Strategies for Removal
Dumas, L.
Chasing Sustainability: Establishing Management Goals and Thresholds
Sustainability and Planning
Dunning, C.
Tagging and Tracking Pumping Influence Provides Critical New Insight Across Monitoring Networks
Cloud-Based Analytics Dashboard Advances Real-Time Data Analysis While Supporting Collaboration and Active Groundwater Management
Using Private Wells to Cost-Effectively Complement and Extend Groundwater-Level Monitoring Networks, Build Consensus and Facilitate Sustainable Management
Early, T.
Ion Tracer to Quantify Drill Fluid Impact During Vertical Aquifer Profiling
Emery, K.
Case Study – Challenges Encountered during Concurrent Implementation of Remedial Strategies at a Solvent Site
Erdeyli, N.
Environmental Isotopes in Time Series Resolve Issues of Imported Water Recharge in Basin Fill Aquifer
Evans, W.
Supply Chain Survival in the Age of Amazon
Fahl, B.
Tier IV Engines
Featherstone, D.
Advanced Curves, NPSHr, and Sizing Programs
Residential Drive Basic Troubleshooting Without a Meter
Testing a Single Phase Motor and Controls
Ferguson, R.
Ion Tracer to Quantify Drill Fluid Impact During Vertical Aquifer Profiling
Fillingham, J.
Tagging and Tracking Pumping Influence Provides Critical New Insight Across Monitoring Networks
Cloud-Based Analytics Dashboard Advances Real-Time Data Analysis While Supporting Collaboration and Active Groundwater Management
Using Private Wells to Cost-Effectively Complement and Extend Groundwater-Level Monitoring Networks, Build Consensus and Facilitate Sustainable Management
What's New in Groundwater Monitoring
Finneran, K.
Animal Co-Products as Novel Electron Donors for In Situ Bioremediation
Groundwater Remediation including Combined Remedies Part 1
Fitzgibbons, J.
Subgrade Biogeochemical Reactors: Design and Performance of Multiple Configurations
Fort, M.
Using Periodic Pumping to Characterize Aquifers: Field and Modeling Advantages
Fowler, J.
2018 OSHA Crane Rule for Cranes in Construction
The Essentials for Contractors Working at Surface Mines
Fox, A.
Early/New Career Groundwater Professionals Panel: Take My Job, Please!
Fox, G.
Groundwater Monitoring
Frankel, A.
Plenary Session: PFAS: When the Word Becomes Reality
Freeman, S.
Investigation of Textile Dyes as a Groundwater Contaminant in Mandalay Myanmar
Gamlin, J.
Subgrade Biogeochemical Reactors: Design and Performance of Multiple Configurations
Gaydon, P.
US Department of Energy Pump Efficiency Standards – What You Need to Know
Gibson, J.
Thermal Release Of Arsenic, Metals And Organic Compounds From Aquifer Sediments During In Situ Bitumen Extraction
Gingerich, S.
Defining and Evaluating Production Capacity for an Island Aquifer
Hydrogeologic Map of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
Glotfelty, M. F.
Water Well Design by the Numbers
Graves, D.
Next Generation Sequencing for Management of Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction and Water Quality
Gray, P.
The Effect of Close-Proximity Blasting on Groundwater Quality and Impacts on Communal Drinking Water Supply Systems
Gregory, S.
Contaminants Introduced to Treatment Systems from Components and Materials Impact Regulated Discharge
Grunewald, E.
Advancing Magnetic Resonance Geophysical Methods to Characterize Groundwater Systems
Guha, H.
Determination of Hydraulic Diffusivity of a Limestone Aquifer Using Spectral Analysis Techniques
Guleria, A.
Study of Scale and Time Dependent Parameters for Reactive Solute Transport through Stratified Porous Media
Habana, N.
Defining and Evaluating Production Capacity for an Island Aquifer
Consideration Factors of Production-Well Rehabilitation Assessment on Guam
Guam Water Resources Monitoring Program
Hydrogeologic Map of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
Haciski, I.
Field pH Measurement Best Practices
Halihan, T.
McEllhiney Lecture: The Future of Water: Data vs. Instincts
Halkjaer, M.
Development of a Revised Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model of the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin
Hamilton, W.
Remediation to Research: Training Future Hydrogeologists--A Repurposed Geoprobe to Assess an Alluvial Aquifer
Hanna, T.
Unraveling the Causes of Well Inefficiencies
Hare, M.
What's New in Groundwater Monitoring
Harteel, M.
Using Ultrasound to Minimize Mineral Depositions in Boreholes
Hayashi, M.
Darcy Lecture: Alpine Hydrogeology: The Critical Role of Groundwater in Sourcing the Headwaters of the World
Hayes, N.
Cloud-Based Analytics Dashboard Advances Real-Time Data Analysis While Supporting Collaboration and Active Groundwater Management
Head, R.
How the PFAS regulations got to where they are and what you can legally do to recover costs for damages
Helge, J.
Case Study – Challenges Encountered during Concurrent Implementation of Remedial Strategies at a Solvent Site
Heller, N.
Proposed Use of Long Screened Test Wells in Environmental and Groundwater Resource Investigations
Henrich, D.
Plenary Session: PFAS: When the Word Becomes Reality
Supply Chain Survival in the Age of Amazon
Hibbs, B.
Environmental Isotopes in Time Series Resolve Issues of Imported Water Recharge in Basin Fill Aquifer
Hibbs, B.
Environmental Isotopes Delineate Recharge Sources in the Coachella Valley Aquifer, California
Managed Aquifer Recharge
Higgins, M.
Putting High-Resolution Data to Work: Targeted Conventional and Multi-Level Monitoring Well Design
Hoch, S.
WITHDRAWN - Citizen Suits are Possible Regarding Groundwater Contaminaiton
Hogg, P.
Protecting Today’s More Efficient Pump Motors from PWM Damage
Holden, J.
Pilot Study Data Evaluation: Enhanced Attenuation of PFAS and VOCs in Groundwater
Procurement Practices in the Groundwater Industry
Hong, C.
Monitoring Optimization: Lean Approaches and Lessons
Hopkins, C.
Groundwater Data Available to the Public -- USGS and the National Groundwater Monitoring Network
Horst, J.
Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality Platforms for Remediation
House, J. R.
Groundwater Modeling and Monitoring Results for a Combined Thermal and In-Situ Bioremediation Remedy
Hughes, J.
The MODFLOW 6 Modular Hydrologic Model
Huntington, J.
Quantifying Groundwater Evapotranspiration with Remote Sensing for the Humboldt River Basin, NV
Hutchings, R.
Early/New Career Groundwater Professionals Panel: Take My Job, Please!
Hutmacher, J.
Drilling Reactive Clays And Shales
Jansen, J.
Geophysical Surveys to Maximize Horizontal Well Yield and Extend Production in Depleting Aquifers
Jarvis, J.
Remediation to Research: Training Future Hydrogeologists--A Repurposed Geoprobe to Assess an Alluvial Aquifer
Jenson, J.
Defining and Evaluating Production Capacity for an Island Aquifer
Consideration Factors of Production-Well Rehabilitation Assessment on Guam
Guam Water Resources Monitoring Program
Hydrogeologic Map of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
Johnson, K.
Case Study – Challenges Encountered during Concurrent Implementation of Remedial Strategies at a Solvent Site
Joshi, A.
Role of Geological Heterogeneity in Poroelastic Deformation of Geologic Medium due to Groundwater Extraction
Kaiser, R.
Developing a Threat Assessment and Monitoring Framework for Urban Karst Groundwater Management
Advanced Methods for Monitoring and Sampling in Karst Groundwater Systems
Kaminski, D.
Procurement Practices in the Groundwater Industry
Keller, D.
We Mix Properties...Not Mud!!
Kelliher, M. A.
Environmental Isotopes in Time Series Resolve Issues of Imported Water Recharge in Basin Fill Aquifer
Kennedy, R.
WITHDRAWN - Challenges of Iron in Groundwater Remediation Projects – A Case Study
Kill, D.
Water Well Design by the Numbers
Kim, Y. S.
Consideration Factors of Production-Well Rehabilitation Assessment on Guam
Guam Water Resources Monitoring Program
Kingsbury, N.
Phase Converters, VFDs and Low Harmonics. Why Should I Care?
Kinsbergen, K.
Using Ultrasound to Minimize Mineral Depositions in Boreholes
Klaus, R. A.
Glass Bead Filter Media: Higher Well Efficiency and Reduced O & M Costs
Knipe, D.
Tetrachloroethylene Groundwater Remediation In A Dolomitic Limestone Aquifer Using Injectable Zero Valent Iron
Koester, M. B.
WITHDRAWN - Leaving Your Business on Your Terms - Know your Options
Kolok, A.
Groundwater Summit Opening and H2O Presentation
Kraemer, E.
Seismoelectric Compared To Traditional Geophysics
Krause, S.
The Importance Of Filtrate Control In A Drilling Fluid
Grouting Tools and Techniques for Geothermal Wells
Langevin, C. D.
The MODFLOW 6 Modular Hydrologic Model
Langford, J.
Modeling Permafrost Aggradation and Thaw in a Peat Plateau Wetland Complex
Lanier, K.
Materials of Construction and Pumps – What to Use When
Laton, W. R.
Early/New Career Groundwater Professionals Panel: Take My Job, Please!
Lee, C.
Design Verification Program - Lessons Learned from Pre-Application Assessments at In Situ Remediation Sites
Leigh, D. P.
Iron Enhanced In Situ Reductive Dechlorination in High Sulfate Aquifers
Lenczewski, M.
Investigation of Textile Dyes as a Groundwater Contaminant in Mandalay Myanmar
Strontium Isotope and Major Ion Geochemistry of Yalahau Fracture Zone Waters, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
Lenczewski, M.
Water Quality & sUAS Photogrammetry of Boeng Cheung Ek Treatment Wetland, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Lesser, L. E.
Fate of Emerging Contaminants During Infiltration of Untreated Wastewater in Mezquital Valley, Mexico
Lillich, B.
An Introduction to Behavioral Based Safety (BBS)
Lindemann, A.
What's New in Groundwater Monitoring
Lints, J.
AC/Solar Power Blending – Maximize Free Solar Power Without Compromising Performance
Long, G.
Drill Rig Safety and Maintenance
Lucas, M. C.
Sustainable Water Initiative For Tomorrow (SWIFT), Managed Aquifer Recharge Demonstration Project
Madison, K.
ASR Generation: Generating Power During the Injection Cycle of an ASR Project.
Magill, N.
Ion Tracer to Quantify Drill Fluid Impact During Vertical Aquifer Profiling
Mallow, S.
Water Quality & sUAS Photogrammetry of Boeng Cheung Ek Treatment Wetland, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Manchon, B.
New Directions for Improvement of Groundwater Quality
Direct Push Technology - As Useful as Ever...and Cost Effective Too
Borehole Geophysical Logging for Water Resources/Water Supply Applications
Mansuy, N.
Water Well Rehabilitation and Time Based Preventive Maintenance
Martens, M.
Groundwater Industry Legislative Update and Current Issues
Martz, S.
Monitoring Optimization: Lean Approaches and Lessons
Maslansky, S.
Water Quality and Treatment
Mayer, A. S.
WITHDRAWN - Development of a Coupled Groundwater-Surface Water Model for Assessing the Impacts of Groundwater Pumping on Streamflow in the Middle Rio Grande Basin
Mazzarese, M.
Combining Technologies and Implementation Methods to Address Chlorinated Solvent Impacts at Complex Sites
McAninch, F.
Tier IV Engines
Expanding Visual Inspections to Find Overlooked Trouble Spots
McCall, W.
Direct Push Methods for Groundwater Sampling & Monitoring
McDonough, J.
Water Treatment Technologies for PFAS: The Next Generation
McGinnis, K.
Preventive Maintenance - Extending the Life of Your Water
McKay, J.
Strontium Isotope and Major Ion Geochemistry of Yalahau Fracture Zone Waters, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
Mest, R.
Redefining Water Treatment Technology Selection for Today's Water Quality Challenges
Meyer, D. T.
WITHDRAWN - Transitioning to the 2018 Tax Year: How Will It Compare to 2017?
Meyers, P.
Groundwater Treatment for the Removal of Arsenic and Uranium
Radium Removal from Potable Water Supplies
Miles, K.
Defensive Water Well Construction Regulations in the United States
Milivojevic, N.
Solar Powered Single Phase 3-inch AC Pumps for Replacing Windmills
Miller, J.
Comparison of Sr-90 and Y-90 concentrations in groundwater predicted by four different models
Miller, O.
Flow of Groundwater through North Slope, Alaska Gravel Pads
Miller, R.
Scientific Groundwater Terminology You May Not Fully Understand - Let's Discuss
Mitchell, J.
Sustainable Water Initiative For Tomorrow (SWIFT), Managed Aquifer Recharge Demonstration Project
Mohammed, A.
Modeling Permafrost Aggradation and Thaw in a Peat Plateau Wetland Complex
Moncur, M.
Thermal Release Of Arsenic, Metals And Organic Compounds From Aquifer Sediments During In Situ Bitumen Extraction
Monfarednasab, M.
WITHDRAWN - Development of a Coupled Groundwater-Surface Water Model for Assessing the Impacts of Groundwater Pumping on Streamflow in the Middle Rio Grande Basin
Moon, J.
Removal of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Using Immobilized Nano Zero-Valent Iron for Advanced Oxidation Processes
Mortazavian, S.
Removal of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Using Immobilized Nano Zero-Valent Iron for Advanced Oxidation Processes
Morton, C.
Quantifying Groundwater Evapotranspiration with Remote Sensing for the Humboldt River Basin, NV
Mueller, B.
Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) PFAS Team: Status of Achievements and Activities
Mueller, J.
Antimethanogenic Reagents (AMR) to Control Excessive Methanogenesis During Remedial Actions
Stable and Radio Isotope Analysis Identified Sources of Methane During an In-Situ Remedial Action
Advancements to the EZVI Technology: Optimization of Biotic and Abiotic Processes and Improved Implementability
Mukhopadhyay, A.
WITHDRAWN - Monitoring of Pollutant Movement Along a Line of Transect within the Freshwater Field of Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait
Nagare, R.
Modeling Permafrost Aggradation and Thaw in a Peat Plateau Wetland Complex
Niswonger, R.
The MODFLOW 6 Modular Hydrologic Model
Noland, S.
Activated Carbon, A Love Affair Spanning 15 Years
Noonan, E.
Remediation to Research: Training Future Hydrogeologists--A Repurposed Geoprobe to Assess an Alluvial Aquifer
Noonan, E.
Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction: A Forensic Approach to Salinity in an Alluvial Aquifer
North, B.
Risk Management for the 21st Century Business
O'Brien, S.
Basic Pump Sizing and Understanding the Pump Curve
O'Rourke, D.
Green Infrastructure
Oxenham, L.
How Water Well Contractors Can Become Invincible to Lawsuits and Save Thousands in Taxes
Ozotta, O.
A Comparison of Thermal Imaging and In-Situ Thermistor/Tensionmeter Data to Characterize Groundwater Seepage in a Fen
Paktunc, D.
Thermal Release Of Arsenic, Metals And Organic Compounds From Aquifer Sediments During In Situ Bitumen Extraction
Panday, S.
The MODFLOW 6 Modular Hydrologic Model
Parker, T. K.
Development of a Revised Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model of the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin
The Evolving Landscape of Groundwater Management in California
Partridge, M.
Useful On-line Tools and Applications for Well Drilling Businesses
Peterson, D.
Pilot Study Data Evaluation: Enhanced Attenuation of PFAS and VOCs in Groundwater
Piper, J.
Monitoring Optimization: Lean Approaches and Lessons
Polk, J.
Developing a Threat Assessment and Monitoring Framework for Urban Karst Groundwater Management
Modeling and Evaluating the Influences of Class V Injection Wells on Urban Karst Hydrology
Advanced Methods for Monitoring and Sampling in Karst Groundwater Systems
Pope, D.
Groundwater Data Available to the Public -- USGS and the National Groundwater Monitoring Network
Popp, J.
Navigating the 2018 Tax Laws to Reduce Uncertainty and Improve Profitability
Powell, M.
Modeling and Evaluating the Influences of Class V Injection Wells on Urban Karst Hydrology
Powell, T.
Geophysical Surveys to Maximize Horizontal Well Yield and Extend Production in Depleting Aquifers
Provost, A. M.
The MODFLOW 6 Modular Hydrologic Model
Quinn, M.
WITHDRAWN - Monitoring of Pollutant Movement Along a Line of Transect within the Freshwater Field of Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait
Quinton, B.
Modeling Permafrost Aggradation and Thaw in a Peat Plateau Wetland Complex
Ramirez, A. I.
Fate of Emerging Contaminants During Infiltration of Untreated Wastewater in Mezquital Valley, Mexico
Rashed, T.
WITHDRAWN - Monitoring of Pollutant Movement Along a Line of Transect within the Freshwater Field of Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait
Redding, A.
The Removal of Long & Short Chain Perfluoroalkyl Substances via Granular Activated Carbn Adsorption
Reeder, M.
Constant Pressure Systems - The Opportunity, the Challenges, the Playbook
Renner, R. E.
Maximizing Efficiency in the Drilling Process Panel
Performing Plumbness and Alignment Tests - The Lost, but Essential Art
Reyes, P.
Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) PFAS Team: Status of Achievements and Activities
Richardson, J. J. Jr.
The Emerging Revolution in Groundwater Rights
Rocha, A.
Next Generation Sequencing for Management of Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction and Water Quality
Roff, D.
Hydrogeologic Map of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
Rothauge, F.
Maximizing Efficiency in the Drilling Process Panel
Procurement Practices in the Groundwater Industry
Russell, C.
Monitoring Optimization: Lean Approaches and Lessons
Sammon, J.
Groundwater Modeling and Monitoring Results for a Combined Thermal and In-Situ Bioremediation Remedy
Sandefur, C.
Design Verification Program - Lessons Learned from Pre-Application Assessments at In Situ Remediation Sites
Sato, H.
Removal of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Using Immobilized Nano Zero-Valent Iron for Advanced Oxidation Processes
Sayler, C.
Using Periodic Pumping to Characterize Aquifers: Field and Modeling Advantages
Schalk, C. W.
Groundwater Data Available to the Public -- USGS and the National Groundwater Monitoring Network
Schapker, L.
Groundwater Industry Legislative Update and Current Issues
Schincariol, R. A.
Modeling Permafrost Aggradation and Thaw in a Peat Plateau Wetland Complex
Schofield, E.
Getting Past the "Feel-Good" Part of a Groundwater Project in Third World Country
Early/New Career Groundwater Professionals Panel: Take My Job, Please!
Schumann, R.
Hydrogeologic Map of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
Sciacca, J.
Direct Push Technology - As Useful as Ever...and Cost Effective Too
Borehole Geophysical Logging for Water Resources/Water Supply Applications
Servant, M.
Solar for AC Pumps: Solar Pumping is Not Just for DC
Sharma, A.
Study of Scale and Time Dependent Parameters for Reactive Solute Transport through Stratified Porous Media
Shawver, G.
Maximizing Efficiency in the Drilling Process Panel
Sheasgreen, K.
Don’t Forget to Disinfect…Developing a Strategy for Micrbiological Contamination in Private Water Systems.
Sheets, R.
Groundwater Modeling
Anything Else Groundwater
Groundwater Data Available to the Public -- USGS and the National Groundwater Monitoring Network
Shelley, J.
Modeling and Evaluating the Influences of Class V Injection Wells on Urban Karst Hydrology
Advanced Methods for Monitoring and Sampling in Karst Groundwater Systems
Simard, C.
Hydrogeologic Map of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
Simon, R.
Groundwater Modeling and Monitoring Results for a Combined Thermal and In-Situ Bioremediation Remedy
Singer, M.
Tagging and Tracking Pumping Influence Provides Critical New Insight Across Monitoring Networks
Cloud-Based Analytics Dashboard Advances Real-Time Data Analysis While Supporting Collaboration and Active Groundwater Management
Using Private Wells to Cost-Effectively Complement and Extend Groundwater-Level Monitoring Networks, Build Consensus and Facilitate Sustainable Management
Situm, M.
Hydro-TISAR – A New High Resolution Seismic Imagery Method for Hydrogeological Investigations
Sliver, S.
Early/New Career Groundwater Professionals Panel: Take My Job, Please!
Plenary Session: PFAS: When the Word Becomes Reality
Smith, J.
Next Generation Sequencing for Management of Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction and Water Quality
Smith, S.
Risk Management for the 21st Century Business
Soeder, D.
Groundwater Quality and Fracking: Current Understanding and Science Needs
Stephan, T.
Using Digital Meters on VFD's
Stevenson, C.
Risk Management for the 21st Century Business
Story, D.
Supply Chain Survival in the Age of Amazon
Stuetzle, R.
Putting High-Resolution Data to Work: Targeted Conventional and Multi-Level Monitoring Well Design
Sullivan, K.
Monitoring Optimization: Lean Approaches and Lessons
Superales, D.
Defining and Evaluating Production Capacity for an Island Aquifer
Swami, D.
Study of Scale and Time Dependent Parameters for Reactive Solute Transport through Stratified Porous Media
Symons, B.
Benefits and Limitations of Using Down Well, Real-time, Telemetric Water Quality Meters to Monitor Water Quality
Tamayo, C.
Methodology and Framework for Developing Groundwater FEFLOW Conceptual and Numerical Model to Couple with Mike 21 FM: Miami Beach Case Study
Tannehill, T. K.
Grouting Tools and Techniques for Geothermal Wells
Teschner, S.
Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions
Geophysics for Groundwater Model Development and Monitoring
Thompson, B.
Pilot Study Data Evaluation: Enhanced Attenuation of PFAS and VOCs in Groundwater
Trumbo, M.
Using an Application Program Interface (API) to Simplify Data Import
Vann, D.
Hydrogeologic Map of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
Wallace, K.
The Effect of Close-Proximity Blasting on Groundwater Quality and Impacts on Communal Drinking Water Supply Systems
Walsh, D.
Advancing Magnetic Resonance Geophysical Methods to Characterize Groundwater Systems
Welty, N.
Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality Platforms for Remediation
Welty, N.
Early/New Career Groundwater Professionals Panel: Take My Job, Please!
Wemhoff, J.
How to Become a Groundwater Guardian Green Site
West, L.
Ion Tracer to Quantify Drill Fluid Impact During Vertical Aquifer Profiling
Whearty, J.
Case Study – Challenges Encountered during Concurrent Implementation of Remedial Strategies at a Solvent Site
Wilson, J.
Case Study – Challenges Encountered during Concurrent Implementation of Remedial Strategies at a Solvent Site
Wilson, S. D.
Resources to Assist You In Outreach and Education to Private Well Owners and Other Professionals
Wirth, M.
How to Conserve Water Using Innovative Techniques with Traditional Problem Water Treatments
Wojciechowski, L.
Comparison of Sr-90 and Y-90 concentrations in groundwater predicted by four different models
Wolf, C.
Geophysical CSAMT Survey Results and Groundwater Modeling in a Groundwater Appropriation Trial
Wong, S. S.
Integrating Hydrogeology with Psychology for Management in a Groundwater-Dependent Community
Wright, J.
Inexpensive and Effective Safety Resources Any Company Can Use
Yanites, A.
Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality Platforms for Remediation
Yelderman, J. C. Jr.
Remediation to Research: Training Future Hydrogeologists--A Repurposed Geoprobe to Assess an Alluvial Aquifer
Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction: A Forensic Approach to Salinity in an Alluvial Aquifer
Surface-water Reservoir Effects In A Shallow Karst Aquifer: Quantity, Quality Or Both
Integrating Hydrogeology with Psychology for Management in a Groundwater-Dependent Community
Yingling, V.
Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) PFAS Team: Status of Achievements and Activities
York, T.
Activated Carbon, A Love Affair Spanning 15 Years
Zdeba, D.
Development of a Revised Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model of the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin
Zhou, Y.
Using Periodic Pumping to Characterize Aquifers: Field and Modeling Advantages