Resources to Assist You In Outreach and Education to Private Well Owners and Other Professionals

N115/116 (Las Vegas Convention Center)
Through funding from the USEPA, the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) has created a cooperative team of organizations to provide targeted outreach and education to private well owners. The group includes NGWA, the Water Systems Council, the National Environmental Health Association, and the Private Well Class program at the Illinois State Water Survey. Now in its 5th year, together these organizations have created a number of useful tools and outreach materials that you could use in your contact with well owners or the professionals that work daily with well owners (labs, health departments, etc.) In this presentation, we will provide an overview of the tools and materials available to you, all free and publicly accessible, for engaging well owners. We will also describe programs, like the USDA loan program for private wells, and how you can use these to support the well owners you serve.
Steven D. Wilson
See more of: Workshops