Groundwater Quality and Unconventional Oil and Gas Development: Current Understanding and Science Needs: Alphabetical Content Listing
Approaches and Technology for Monitoring Groundwater near Shale Gas Wells
Anthony Gorody, Ph.D., P.G.
A Flux Based Approach for Monitoring Hydraulic Fracturing Constituents in Groundwater
Michael D. Annable
The passive flux meter (PFM) technique is ideally suited to enhance monitoring of compounds related to hydraulic fracturing. The PFM device uses sorbents to accumulate compounds of interest and alcohol tracers pre-equilibrated on a permeable sorbet to quantity groundwater flow. The PFM is placed in a monitoring well screen for a few weeks to characterize solute and water flux during the deployment duration. While most of the compounds listed above have been tested in previous applications, a sorbent for methane is currently being evaluated. Zeolites look like a promising sorbent for methane.
A Spatial Data Approach for Assessing Groundwater Resources, Risks, and Uncertainty
Kelly Rose, Ph.D.
Assessing the Environmental Impacts on Groundwater Quality in Areas of Unconventional Energy Resource Development
Bernhard Mayer, Ph.D.
EOG Resources' Baseline Groundwater Monitoring Program for the Bakken
Justin Soberaski
Groundwater samples collected from private well owners are analyzed for most of the parameters specified in the WOGCC rules, which include inorganic compounds, hydrocarbons, and dissolved gases such as methane, ethane, and propane.
Many private water wells in the Bakken are in or near shallow lignite beds. Methane is common in lignite and is often present in shallow groundwater wells where it can be mistaken to be a result of local oil and gas production. EOG completes additional gas analysis if the dissolved methane concentrations are found to exceed 5 mg/L to “fingerprint” or further define the origin/diagenesis of the gas. Fingerprinting includes analyzing for fixed C1-C6 hydrocarbons and stable isotope concentrations of carbon (12C and 13C) and hydrogen (1H and 2H) in the methane.
Barr Engineering performs the sampling for EOG in North Dakota and coordinates with the contract laboratories. The program strengthens landowner relations by demonstrating a commitment to environmentally responsible operations and provides transparency by sharing the data with the landowner if they agree to be part of the program. Some of the logistical challenges in implementing the program include garnering the attention of the landowner, the often remote nature of the work, and making decisions regarding which wells are most appropriate for inclusion in the program.
Evaluating Changes in Freshwater Quality Using Groundwater Monitoring Wells in Areas of Natural-Gas Development
Erica Barth-Naftilan
Hydrogeophysical Log Analysis of Four Water-Supply Test Wells along an Appalachian Plateau Topographic Profile
John H. Williams
In-line Sampling and Fixed Gas Analyses Help to Evaluate Dissolved Hydrocarbon Concentrations
Anthony Gorody, Ph. D., P.G.
Sample data presented here are derived from water wells screened in the Laramie-Fox Hills (LFH) aquifer located within the southwest corner of Weld County, Colorado. Total dissolved gas pressure (TDGP) is mediated by contributions from air derived from the air-water interface, dissolved bacteriogenic CH4, bacterial CO2, and dissolved Ar and N2 from the aquifer recharge zone. Among water well sites at high elevations, TDGP far exceeds saturation causing samples to effervesce. Results of this study show that dissolved hydrocarbon concentrations reported for in-line water sample data are consistently greater than RSK-175 data for samples collected with 40 ml VOA vials.
Elevated bacteriogenic dissolved methane concentrations in the LFH aquifer are highly variable. The dissolved argon concentration in these young aquifer fluids is just as soluble as methane but has a more restricted concentration range. There is a linear and positive correlation between the headspace methane:argon ratio and dissolved methane concentrations. Anomalously high C1:Ar ratios record Ar stripping resulting from either free phase bacteriogenic or stray gas migration bubbling locally within or in close proximity to the water column in the well. Dissolved Ar and N2 concentrations further reveal three dominant mechanisms affecting dissolved gas composition and concentration: well column degassing by gas stripping, re-equilibration at ambient temperatures, and mixing with water near the air-water interface.
Microbial Activity in Hydraulic Fracturing Produced Water from Two Shale Gas Reservoirs
Daniel Lipus
The goal of this study is to better define the microbiology of two major shale gas reservoirs, the Marcellus Shale in the Appalachian region, and the Bakken Shale in the North Dakota region. Metagenomic analysis was completed for 42 Marcellus Shale produced water samples and 64 Bakken Shale produced water samples. Bakken samples contained microbial loads 3 to 4 orders of magnitude below those observed for Marcellus samples. Microbial community structure analysis using 16S rRNA sequencing suggested samples to be dominated by the order Bacillales, Halanaerobiales, and Pseudomonadales. The role Halanaerobiales was further investigated by reconstructing and annotating a Halanaerobium draft genome. Reconstruction of metabolic pathways revealed Halanaerobium to have the potential for acid production, sulfide production, and biofilm formation, suggesting potential impact on groundwater quality. Data from this study extends the current knowledge of microbial processes within hydraulic fracturing produced water system, and will contribute to the development of better montioring strategies in the future.
Probabilistic Risk Assessment: Perspectives on Groundwater Contamination from Hydraulic Fracturing Activities
Carolyn Rodak
Recommended Practices for Baseline Sampling of Water Wells in Areas of Shale Gas Development
Stephen Richardson, Ph.D., PE,
Our research project, funded by the Department of Energy, evaluated key sources of variability in baseline sampling results from water wells in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Multiple sampling events were conducted over a two-year period. Measured parameters and analytes included daily water usage, water levels, dissolved gases, stable isotopic analyses of methane, water, and dissolved inorganic carbon, major and trace ions, and field parameters. Results culminated in the development of recommended practices and guidance for dissolved gas sampling methods, well purging practices, and expectations for temporal variations in methane concentrations and methane-geochemical parameter relationships. Key findings and recommendations of this study include:
- Sample collection method can significantly affect the resulting methane concentration; a closed-system method yields the most accurate methane concentrations under effervescing conditions.
- Purging twice the volume of water in the pressure tank and lines is typically adequate for the collection of baseline samples for analysis of dissolved methane concentrations. Such water volumes are reasonably representative of the water quality regularly consumed by residents.
- For wells with dissolved methane concentrations greater than 1 mg/L, changes in concentration greater than two-fold over the two-year period were not commonly observed.
- At a subset of wells, changes in methane concentrations were significantly correlated with changes in sodium and other salinity indicators, where parameters varied according to the dynamic mixture of fresh and saline water sources in the wells.
Regional Monitoring/Analysis of the Effects of Oil and Gas Development on Groundwater in California
Matthew K. Landon
During 2016-17, the RMP is analyzing selected priority oilfields in the southern Central Valley to: (1) produce three-dimensional salinity maps, (2) characterize the chemical composition of groundwater and oil-field water, and (3) identify the extent to which fluids from oil and gas development may be moving into protected (total dissolved solids less than 10,000 milligrams per liter) groundwater at regional scales.
Salinity distributions in groundwater near oil fields are being mapped using existing water-sample data, analysis of oil-well borehole geophysical logs, and newly collected airborne and surface electromagnetic data in selected areas to fill data gaps.
The RMP sampling-well networks are designed to evaluate groundwater quality along transects from oil fields into adjacent aquifers and include existing wells supplemented by monitoring-well installation in priority locations. Oil-field water and background regional groundwater are being sampled to characterize end-member compositions that may mix to influence groundwater chemistry near oil fields. The analytes include constituents with different transport characteristics such as dissolved gases (light hydrocarbon and noble gases), inorganic constituents (major, minor, trace elements), and organic compounds, as well as isotopic and groundwater-age tracers. Preliminary results indicate that groundwater quality near oil fields is strongly influenced by the regional hydrogeologic setting, including recharge rates.
Stable Isotope and Radiocarbon Evidence for Biogenic Coalbed Methane in Groundwater Wells in Utica Shale
Amy Townsend-Small
Validating a Discriminant Analysis Model Used to Distinguish Salinity Contamination from Deicers vs Produced Water
Nathaniel Chien
Fate and Transport of Fracking Chemicals and Drilling Fluids in Groundwater, including Natural Attenuation Studies
Peter B. McMahon, Ph.D.
Biodegradability of Organic Compounds Used in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids and Implications for Compound Fate
Paula Mouser
Fate of Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals Downhole and after Environmental Release
Jens Blotevogel
Methane Dispersion from Leaky Petroleum Wells Into Groundwater: Can Point-Source Well Leaks Cause Large Plumes?
John A. Cherry, Ph.D.
Migration of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids by Deep-Well Disposal into Fresh-Water Aquifers
Ronald Green, Ph.D., P.G.
UOG Wastewater Leaks and Spills: Fate and Transport of Chemical Constituents
Isabelle M. Cozzarelli
In one North Dakota study area 3-million gallons of wastewater (containing 138,000 mg/L TDS, 16.2 mg/L Ba, and >1,000 mg/L Sr) from UOG production in the Williston Basin spilled into a small tributary of the Missouri River. Water quality, sediment, and bioassay samples were collected and analyzed for a broad range of organic and inorganic compounds to assess potential impacts from this spill. Results indicate the presence of inorganic markers of the wastewater and the persistence of geochemical alterations in the creek six months post-spill. Labile Ba and Sr concentrations extracted from sediments were higher downstream from the spill site than upstream. Radium concentrations in sediment were up to 5 times the background concentrations downstream from the spill site. Sequestration of elements from the wastewater spill onto the sediment limits movement in surface water downstream but could provide a long-term source to both groundwater and surface water if geochemical conditions change in the future.
Sources and Migration of Stray Gas in Groundwater Associated with Shale Gas Development
Daniel Soeder, MS
A Geochemical Context for Stray Gas Investigations in the N. Appalachian Basin
Fred Baldassare, P.G.
Evaluation of this geochemical database reveals that microbial, mixed microbial/thermogenic, and thermogenic gases occur in some shallow aquifer systems, and that the gas occurrences pre-date Marcellus Formation drilling activity. The isotope data reveal that thermogenic gases in the Neogene and Upper Devonian strata are typically distinct from gases from deeper Middle Devonian strata (including the Marcellus Fm.).
Defining a specific source for stray natural gas requires the investigation and synthesis of several data types at the site-specific level. Molecular and isotope geochemistry provide evidence of gas origin and evidence of secondary processes that may have affected the gases. Such data provide focus for investigations where the potential sources for stray gas include multiple naturally occurring and anthropogenic gases. Additional investigation to delineate migration pathways and the mechanism of migration are necessary to further constrain and identify specific stray gas source(s).
Analysis of Sustained Casing Annular Pressure in Relation to Stray Gas Assessment
Tom Tomastik, P.G.
Beyond physical challenges, pressure testing methods vary throughout the industry as do quality control methods, analysis methods, and interpretation of results. This lack of consistent practices can make interpretation of SCAP challenging. This presentation will discuss the significance of SCAP, it’s prevalence throughout all oil & gas producing areas, methods used for identification of SCAP, quality control measures, interpretation methods, and existing regulatory criteria. Furthermore, the presentation will include actual examples to allow real-world examples in both the United States and Internationally.
Approaches for High Resolution Monitoring for Groundwater Impacts from Shale Gas Development
Beth Parker, PhD
Evaluating Shallow Aquifer Vulnerability to Potential Shale Gas Exploration and Development in Eastern Canada
Christine Rivard
Results showed that dissolved methane is ubiquitous and that its presence is mostly related to specific aquifer conditions such as long water residence times and absence of oxygen. While there is evidence that small amounts of deep formation brines migrate into shallow aquifers near a normal fault, there is no indication that deep thermogenic gas from the Utica Shale is currently reaching the surface through this fault zone or elsewhere in this region.