Environmental Isotopes in Groundwater Studies: Introduction to Environmental Isotopes in the Hydrologic Cycle (#825)

Presented on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Learn how using environmental isotopes in conjunction with routine hydrogeological methods can help resolve challenges such as tracing groundwater flowpaths and contaminant sources in the Environmental Isotopes in Groundwater Studies Webinar series*.

This first Webinar introduces you to the basics of using environmental isotopes to trace groundwater origin and pollutants, focusing on:

• Introduction to oxygen-18 and deuterium in the hydrological cycle
• Theory of isotope fractionation and partitioning by Rayleigh distillation and temperature
• Case studies on groundwater tracing and groundwater/surface water interaction
• Notes on sampling and analysis of isotopes.

Ian. D Clark, Ph.D.
Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa

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