Environmental Isotopes in Groundwater Studies: Applications of Oxygen-18 and Deuterium in Tracing Groundwater Origin and Mixing (#829)

Presented on Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Learn how, when used in conjunction with major ion geochemistry, environmental isotopes are essential for understanding the origin and subsurface history of natural and contaminated groundwaters in the Environmental Isotopes in Groundwater Studies Webinar series*.

This Webinar on oxygen-18 and deuterium will show you a variety of ways that isotopes can be used to trace groundwater origin, pathways, mixing, and reaction. In addition to a review of these two isotopes in the hydrological cycle, you will learn about:

• Time-series sampling of stable isotopes and temporal trends in groundwaters
• Evaporation and deuterium excess — deviations from the oxygen-18/deuterium meteorological relationship
• Two- and three-component mixing
• Case studies for tracing groundwater origin and history.

Ian. D Clark, Ph.D.
Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa

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